Can You Remember

What childhood games you played as a child growing up?

Can be at school or at home?

I played so many, two ball, skipping, marbles, hop scotch…"does anyone remember playing hide and seek?

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Hop Scotch, Rounders, Hide and Seek, Marbles, tree climbing…

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You brought back memories, Besoeker, I’d forgotten all about playing rounders at school,:+1::+1:

Hop scotch, marbles, tip cat, queenie i (o who has the ball), street cricket.

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Slowest on a bicycle and when dark searchlight he. That was to switch on a torch to shine on a person hiding area.

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erm…doctors and nurses

show me yours and i’ll show you mine

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I used to to love two balls. No, that’s not a variation on yours Macywack :rofl:

There were only three suitable areas of wall in our little church school playground, between the big arched windows and we used to go charging out at playtime to baggsie them for our gang first

I remember one rhyme we sang while playing, no idea what it meant!

One, two, three alairie
My balls gone down the dairy
Don’t forget to give it to Sarey
Not to Charlie Chaplin

And there was Sevens, which you played throwing one ball against the wall

You had to do 7 plainsies, 6 dropsies, 5 clapsies, 4 bouncies 3 floorsies, 2 leggies and 1 twister


Kiss chase, I remember my second cousin caught me and kissed me, I ran home crying to my mum, how dare him kiss me…:joy::rofl::sweat_smile:


And how about
Red Rover,
Red Rover
We dare you to come over!

Two teams hand to hand forming a blockade on each side. Great fun!


I played all of those, Pauline. Later Monopoly, Cluedo which I hated & Roulette, loved that & card games, my Dad was a gambler. We both love fruit machines too. :grinning:

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We played that but we called it bulldog :dog:

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Wow, yes, I remember that, it used to get really rough.

I used to dread getting called over because I used to be head down and determined to break through and they weren’t exactly gentle trying to chuck you back :face_with_head_bandage:

And if you were on the hand holding side and you called over a big kid, it really hurt your hands and wrists trying to hold them back, especially if the person next to you had a grip like steel!

I think it’s banned in a lot of playgrounds now


Yes, Maree, that’s the game and seems we played in exactly the same way. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Oh Tiff, you just reminded me of the slot machines at the fair, we loved playing those,:+1::+1:

These are the sort of slot machines I used to love playing on at fairs and on seaside piers:



My Dad loved the pub game machines. I can remember when we went to diner dances in ‘posh’ pub resteraunts Dad & I spending most of the evening after the food, in the other bar playing on the pub machines. He used to win a lot of times as well. Mum used to get so mad with him, but he couldn’t dance anyway, he had a metal plate in his ankle, he’d badly broken it a few years before, that was his excuse for not dancing anyway. :grinning:

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They have lot of those old ones in a place called Trago Mills near us, The Penny Arcade, in their grounds, though it isn’t cheap to buy their pennies to play on them.


Wow, I remember those from when we went to Southend, used to love all the machines

There were some like a moving scenes. You put your penny in and it would all move. I remember an execution one and a haunted house

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One of my sons-in-law collects those. A long time ago he was a roustabout from a showman family until my adopted daughter clapped eyes on him. He fell for her and the rest is history. I cant be certain, but I’d hazard a guess Big Len (aka hightower) has around 15 of the things all working and fully conserved :+1:


I remember my lovely aunt teaching me to play patience (Solitaire for our US members) when I was about three. She used the game to teach me to count. For my fourth birthday she bought me my very own cards in a pretty box with two packs… It felt so grown up to have my own. They were printed in Austria, were about half the size of regular playing cards and had alpine flowers on the backs. I stlll have them and use them - I love Patience - and always think of her when playing.