Can You Remember

They are lovely, what a lovely keepsake

But you had a dead posh upbringing. My granny and great auntie taught me to play gambling card games for pennies

Rummy, Newmarket but mostly 21s, a bit like brag. I could add any combo of numbers up to 21 in my head by the time I was six

And then then went they wanted a real gamble, they’d get out the crown an anchor dice :game_die:


We played those as well when I was a bit older - and something with the dubious title “Strip Jack Naked” which is, I believe, also known as “Beggar my Neighbour”. The brother tried to teach me Poker but I never did understand that one.


My country granny taught me Round the Clock patience, I used to like that one


Yes - I like that as well - and Spider Patience.


I remember playing snakes and ladders as a child, also operation as an adult with my two eldest sons ,when they were children.

Queenie I? I is the only Queenie round here :rofl:

Elastics, French skipping, marbles, conkers, tennis ball inside one if me mams stockings, used to thwack it with our back to the wall trying to avoid hitting our legs and body ha ha .

Used to do this hand clapping with a friend whilst reciting:

My father went to sea sea sea
To see what he could see see see
And all that he could see see see
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea

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After we had moved away from the London area, I joined in with a group of others playing Rounders. Being within walking distance of Bushy Park, that was our game venue and where we spent most of our dry days away from the confines of our homes. One of our group had a father who was a cabinet maker and he made us a couple of rounders bats with four easily planted base marking posts. The balls were not proper rounders balls, but used tennis balls as that’s all we had.
That did not last though as when I was sent to boarding school, only school recognised games/sports could be played. I took to fencing, archery and rugby at school and rowing away from school together with cross country running. There was absolutely no time for anything else even at weekends while at school.

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Yes! I remember the hand clapping one

Only we said “a sailor’ instead of my father

When you got to the sea, sea , sea but, you had to put your hand up to your eyebrows to look as if you were “seeing”

And then we did parts of the body,

A sailor went to knee, knee, knee etc,

And slapped your knee

Then head, ankle, foot, nose etc. Made no sense, but hey we were kids

And being kids we always wanted to do “bum” of course. Completely innocent, there was nothing sexual, just a giggly naughty word

But at our little Church of England School you were in big trouble if the teacher saw you or someone sneaked on you :rofl:

Stocking ball was fun but the boys always used to pinch ours to fight each other with


We has a song for the stocking ball game too

PK penny packet
First you chew it then ya crack it
Then ya stick it up ya jacket
PK penny packet!


I remember lots of those games already mentioned.

I also remember playing Five Stones.

I think in later years people used little metal “jacks” to pick up but we used to just collect pebbles from the garden to play this game.

Has someone already mentioned “O’Grady Says” ? - we used to play that too.


We used to say Simon says


I used to like jacks, we had the little metal ones and a very bouncy little ball. I remember you used to be able to buy them in WH Smith’s

And there was the big skipping rope, of course, with two “Enders” turning it

I was so chuffed when I first learned to “run in’ I can hear that road hitting the ground in rhythm now and timing it just right to run in then jump

We used to skip to

All the girls in our town lead a happy life
Except for ….(name of the skipper …Mary!)
She wants to be a wife
And a wife she will be
And a courting she will go
Along with (insert one of the boys names!)
Because she loves him so
She kisses him, she hugs him
She sits upon his knee
She says ‘My darling,
Won’t you marry me?”
Yes, No,Yes, No…….

And then they’d turn the rope faster and faster until you were out on either yes or no, which foretold your romantic future with said boy!


I forgot hide and seek,:joy::rofl::sweat_smile:

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I don’t know what it was called but I used to play a card game. I put a pack of cards individually face down on the floor, turn one over and turn it back and remember it. Then turn another over, if it matched the other I remove them both, if it didn’t i turn it back over and remember it then try another, I was very good at remembering them.

The other one was snap.


Was it called pairs Logan ? We used to play that. :+1:

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Yes that’s it Chillie6

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I play this one sometimes…its Pairs

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Thanks for the link Pixie :+1: Could have warned me about the nudity though :joy:

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I don’t know which cards YOU are playing, but mine have landscapes and medieval ships and flowers…possibly a fainting lady or two but nothing nudey:roll_eyes:

