I don’t think the Brits voted leave because of a statement on a bus. I really find this a little offensive to be honest and I’m not even British. Just like that other offensive, and stupid, statement about Brexit: that it was mostly the OAP’s who voted to leave and if the referendum was held in ten years time the result would be different because they would all be dead.
In answer to the topic starter’s question I would have to say that the benefit of Brexit, for me, is that we are no longer members of the EU. It really is that simple.
But it’s true that it was older people who voted for Brexit and inflicted it on the young?
They have a lot to answer for and the younger generation have every right to blame them for diminishing their lives
I don’t go around wishing people dead, but I do believe this will be a better, fairer country when the Boomer generation have gone
Because we have an age too heavy population, the old in this country have too much power and control with their grey vote
And I am very sure the next generation will take us back into the EU, while cursing the memory of the oldies who selfishly dragged them out
As for the bus, yes, I think the pack of lies about how much the EU was alleged to have cost us and false promises about spending it on the NHS did influence voters. As did playing on their xenophobia and racism
There are no benefits to being out of the EU, only disadvantages and shame at what the Brexiters did
And we’ll have to go begging cap in hand to get back in, just to try to get back to where we were.
Yes, but people are entitled to vote however they wish and that applies to old people as well as the young. If, as you say, we have made it worse for the younger generation then just consider these two points; they can vote to rejoin the EU at some point in the future if there is enthusiasm for it. And, had young people bothered to go to the trouble of voting in 2016 then chances are we would not have left. So blaming old people for messing up their future is bit rich.
I don’t want to rehash the old arguments but do you also think dire warnings of property prices dropping by 17%, 750,000 job losses, or the financial powerhouse in the City leaving for Europe, were also lies? None of that happened by the way and, as for the bus, I believe Mrs May made sure the NHS got more than the £350 million.
People didn’t just vote to leave because they hate foreigners and, frankly, I’m amazed some people believe this nonsense. I’m a foreigner and I voted to leave so it clearly didn’t apply to me.
Thank you for your kind comments but be careful what you wish for!! I came to this country when I was just 15 years old - over 50 years ago and, in those intervening years, have been lucky enough to travel to quite a few countries but am always happy when I come home. Have been out of work for one three-month period and paid my taxes via paye and self-assessment. So, although not born here, I think I have earned the right to vote. Next time I vote I must remember to think about the grandchildren as the poster above seems to be suggesting.
This is a very tolerant country made up, mostly, of fair-minded people prepared to give anyone a chance to prove themselves and provide them with the opportunities to better themselves. That’s how I feel about Britain - a great country with fair minded people but I do get cheesed off by those who seem to be always criticising the UK, those moaning Minnie’s.
Speaking of which, this will be my last post in this topic as it is a little hostile for my liking.
Really? I think hating foreigners, particularly the French and Germans is exactly why lots of people voted to leave. And you saying that’s not true doesn’t prove it isn’t
Xenophobia, nostalgia for the 1950’s that they look back on through rose tinted glasses, being gullible, being jealous of young people and their opportunities and wanting them to suffer, selfishness… just a few of the reasons old people voted Brexit
Yes, people are entitled to vote the way they want to. But because our population is top heavy with old people, it gives them a disproportionate amount of power, politicians won’t upset the grey vote So even if all the young people voted, they’d get outvoted by the oldies
And when people vote the way they want to they are responsible and answerable for what they’ve done. And the people they’ve harmed are entitled to blame and dislike them for it
So yes, if when the oldies are gone , they’ll be able to take us back in, but that won’t undo the harm done or the damage done to their lives
Or the damage done to the world situation and the EU
As you stated in your post that are not British one assumes you are a citizen of another country .Yet then you say you have been in the country 50 years so again one must assume that you qualify to vote as one of the following :
British citizens, qualifying Commonwealth citizens (including Cyprus and Malta) and citizens of the Republic of Ireland are entitled to vote in UK Parliamentary elections.
If you are a citizen of The Republic of Ireland it doesn’t affect you in any way as by getting an Irish passport you can still travel and work freely in the EU .
Hundreds of people who have Irish grandparents have done this thereby having the best of both worlds living in the U.K. but enjoying the benefits of the EU .
This movement of finance firms to EU locations was inevitable. The trade agreement Johnson agreed with the EU only covered goods - not services. So London immediately lost a pile of financial work. This is why the government decided to end the EU cap on banker bonuses. The logic is that very large bonuses will attract bankers and banking businesses away from Frankfurt. I’m not sure how successful that will be if you look at the massive investment in huge office space that Frankfurt has underway. They think they will soon overtake London as Europe’s finance centre.