A report from The DT, today:-
" A thorough comparative analysis has recently been published by Briefings for Britain (of which I am a co-editor, though not involved in this report).
Its findings have not been refuted: how could they be, as they are based on accepted official statistics? These show that, since the Brexit vote, real GDP growth in the UK has matched or exceeded that of the large EU economies: France has grown by 7.6 per cent, the UK by 6.8 per cent, Germany by 5.5 per cent, and Italy by 4 per cent.
Foreign “greenfield” investment to Britain was up by a third between 2016 and 2021, and was higher than in any of the large EU economies. Unemployment is low and while labour is scarce, it is also so elsewhere.
Remainers protest that Brexit has “cut us off” from the EU market, but in fact the research finds that UK trade with the EU has fully recovered after an initial dip. Financial services have been largely unaffected, with exports holding up and employment in the City growing. Our inflation has been similar to that of the US and the EU, and our food inflation lower.
The pound has fallen against the dollar since the start of this year, but so have the euro and especially the yen. Kwarteng’s mini-Budget caused a sharp temporary drop, but this is not a result of Brexit. The pound’s value remains close to the average level it has traded at since the end of 2008.
On the other hand, Northern Ireland’s forced membership of the single market does it no good: it is one of the slowest growing UK regions.
So what exactly would be the point of tying us again to the single market or the customs union, as Remainers want? Many Leavers were willing to accept economic damage as the price of democratic accountability. As this damage does not seem to have materialised, why on earth would they want to turn the clock back now?
Economic success or failure depend on the policies adopted by our elected governments and, so far, admittedly, they have generally been too timid and slow. But why would we give overall control to a dysfunctional EU that encourages conformity and gives no measurable economic benefit? Why would we want to tie ourselves to its military and diplomatic ambitions which have shown themselves so ineffective? Had we still been in the EU, Ukraine would probably have been defeated."