“Stay Sane - Be Remain”!
I’m going to get that on a T shirt
“Stay Sane - Be Remain”!
I’m going to get that on a T shirt
When you start being sexist and using words like hysteria certainly not .
Yes, it does
Well said, it’s something to be proud of
I’ve always thought labels such as Remainers and Brexiters were naff - and now we have left the EU, they are still naff and no longer relevant.
A country cannot “remain” in a group it has already left.
My fave T-Shirt says
“Labels are for Clothes, not for People”
No, I disagree, they are very relevant.
I am a Remainer because I am someone who voted Remain and upholds the principles and thinking behind Remaining.
That defines me just as being someone who chose to leave and still supports that is defined by the Brexiter label
So I’ll always be a Remainer and proud to wear the T shirt
You are entitled to your opinion and welcome to disagree - just as I am entitled to my opinion - and I will continue to refuse to defined by such labels.
Life is too short to keep going round in circles, arguing about the same stuff ad infinitum.
You can refuse to define yourself by them of course but you can’t stop other people defining you by them?
Life is far too short to just accept a decision which diminishes our lives, which Brexit does, without putting up a fight and trying to put it right
It is the way you used it .
You’re just rehashing the old obsolete arguments, this thread is supposed to be about Brexit Benefits not Woe is me, Boris let us down. As many people have said that is long gone, you have what you have.
So what are the benefits?
Of course I can’t but they may be making false assumptions.
My vote is between me and the ballot box.
I can debate the pros and cons of “Brexit” without being obliged to advertise what I put on the Referendum ballot paper.
Depending on which aspect of “Brexit” we have been discussing, I have been accused by some folk of being a “Brexiter” and some folk as a “Remainer”
These “labels” are water off a duck’s back to me - I continue to see pros and cons on both sides of the debate.
@Bruce , “rehashing old arguments”
Not so Brucy, Fishing has never been debated by the negotiators, they deferred
the debate to a later date yet to come !
I merely pointed this out in my post ?
You see the result !!
If you had read the OP you would have seen this ??
Of course no one has a right to ask you what you voted
But for me, anyone who is not actively campaigning to get back in, or thinks it is a done deed and we should work together to deal with it and enable it, is a Brexiter