Breaking - Joe Biden wins US presidential election

At some point when Trump Derangement Syndrome settles down, the USA will realise they just elected a senile old man who will be out in 6 months paving the way to a government of the hard left lead by the likes of Harris and Pelosi. Although the minorities will be clapping their hands with glee, for the rest of America, while they were concentrating on “Trump is bad” and listening to the media hysteria, they allowed the hard left into the white house right in front of their eyes.

The only saving grace will be that his government will be hamstrung to limit the damage over the next 4 years, unless ofcourse they change the rules to suit their own agenda, which on past events is highly likely

Was trumps actions regarding …

Homeland security
The UAE and Israel
North Korea

… etc

Really that bad ?

Just remember it was only a few months ago Biden and Harris were supporting BLM whos agenda is to defund the police, create civil decent, calling for riots, vandalism of public property and the defacing and occupation of public buildings.

Not only BLM but Antifa as well.

Antifa whom certain Dems stated was just a Myth.

So you can be the subject of a question on The Chase in 2083?

And here is antifa rioting just 8 hours after Biden is inaugurated according to witness reports.


Trump was no friend of the UK, putting horrendous taxes on our whisky,

He was no advocate of Free Trade either, withdrawing on some agreements and was more protectionist than the EU.

Hr was no protector of americans against Covid either,

Glad you added ‘according to witness reports’.

Well, Biden said in his opening speech that he wants to unite the United States of America by getting rid of white supremacy.

Well, OK… can’t disagree with that.

But … there is also the hard left = Antifa and BLM who have over the past year or so, committed about 20+ murders, set cars, towns and city centres on fire, demanded the police to be defunded (and been successful is some places), occupied public buildings, rioted and destroyed public property.

Now, that doesn’t sound like “uniting the United States of America” to me, if Biden only takes one side. If he wants unification then to do that he also needs to tackle on the hard left and make it public that is his aim. His own party have been infiltrated with the hard left and if Biden doesn’t do something, his party will lose control and all hell will break loose.

If that happens (or, when), I really do fear for my friends and colleagues in the USA. It will also play into the hands of the far right and then that could see civil war breaking out.

The “Trump as Gone” train of thought is not true (though he is no longer President), he will stick around for years and his popularity actually increased during the 2020 elections (even though he didn’t win - the second biggest vote in American history) if America is to unite then Biden needs to step up and start talking about the problems with the far left as well as the problems with the far right. He won the election - stop talking about how bad Trump is/was and move on. It’s all we have heard - most people would be celebrating victory, all we have seen from Biden and his people is hate, nastiness and spite.

And here we go, with Biden dog-whistling to the far left, removing the bust of Churchill and replacing it with Chavez.

That will please BLM and Antifa. I bet if there was any doubt before, there is no doubt now that Creepy Joe is now “Uncle Joe” :lol:

Very mature post…again.

Maybe one should refrain from using kindergarten names?

But he is a senile old man.

He thought Super Tuesday was on a Thursday, he slurs his words and forgets things, he doesn’t know who his wife etc.

His dementia is well known and well reported on.

And who reported it? His doctor?

Here is another “Demented president-story”, well known and well reported:

"We see signs that the president’s abilities are declining, but the only way to find out for sure is to give him a full neuropsychological evaluation.

If Donald Trump were your father, you would run, not walk, to a neurologist for an evaluation of his cognitive health. You don’t have to be a doctor to see something is very wrong.

To mental health professionals like me, the red flags are waving wildly. In January 2018, over 70 of us wrote a letter to the president’s physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, urging him to administer a cognitive exam during the president’s physical because we had seen a marked deterioration in his verbal functioning, possibly due to cognitive decline.

Trump’s troubling behavior raises questions his medical exam didn’t answer.

In fact, Dr. Jackson did administer the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a screening tool for dementia, and Trump passed.
But while Trump bragged that this proved his superior intelligence, this 10-minute screening test, where one must identify a camel, draw a clock and repeat three numbers backwards, only ruled out full-blown dementia.

We argued in a subsequent op-ed that these findings did not rule out the early stages of dementia. We also predicted that if this was organic cognitive decline, it would continue to get worse. And since that op-ed, more than a year ago, it has gotten worse.

Trump, 72, seemed to hit a new inflection point last week when he said, “My father is German. Right? Was German. And born in a very wonderful place in Germany.”

In fact, his father was born in the Bronx and it was his grandfather who was from Germany.

Dementia Care International says a "person may start to mix up relationships and generations” in the second stage of dementia.

Semantic paraphasia involves choosing the incorrect words. For instance, after Attorney General William Barr released a letter on the Mueller report, Trump said: “I hope they now go and take a look at the oranges, the oranges of that investigation, the beginnings of that investigation."

Trump’s speech patterns appear even more disordered when you go beyond the sound bite and look at a whole speech. He careens from one thought to the next in a parade of non sequiturs, frequently interrupting himself in the middle of a sentence to veer into another free association.

When commentators described his two-hour speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference last month as “unhinged,” they were referring in large part to this quality."

Soon, he will be forced to take a cognitive test, just like Trump had to. Then we will know for sure that Biden is a senile old man.

The Democrats will do this when the time is right, for them to get rid of him and make way for Kamala Harris, that nobody voted for.

Trumps cognitive tests were conclusive, there was nothing wrong with him.

The evil that was planted and watered by the Trump administration is alive and well. They are working even harder now to make this into an autocratic country. The citizens of the state of Georgia are being denied the right to vote in the black sections of the cities. The post office that so many depend on for their prescriptions and for voting by mail is still being gutted. Biden is a good man with monumental tasks.

There was no voter fraud during the elections. This was tested in numerous states and held up by the courts. Anyone who does not think so is promoting a lie.

Trump was not a politician but is a very sharp businessman. Biden is the opposite.

Moreover he is well into his dotage. It is self evident.

Trump is a con man with no soul and no functioning mind. Biden is wise. I won’t be responding to this again.

Why do black voters need to have a postal vote Sage ??


Eventually someone is going to have try and defend Bidens policies. So far the Trump haters have done everything they can to avoid the issue. We all know why …

So far Biden has wrecked everything.

Biden became president courtesy of postal votes. Covid was an excuse to enable wholesale voter fraud. Next time he won’t be so lucky so it’s no wonder he is trying to legalise voter fraud through the HR1 “For the Democrats” act.

Joe Biden is President and will remain so. Vice-President will replace him if he cannot continue. Whatever happens nothing left to talk about that hasn’t already been said.

Reported this morning that his approval rating has dropped to 11%.

Only a matter of time before he gets turfed and Harris takes over (which was the real reason all along IMO)