Boris to resign today

He is known for his U-Turns Swimmy…even Dominic Cummings said to get him out today or that he (Boris) will cause chaos!

(Not that DC is anybody worth believing, but still…)

That might be his plan. Just like a petulant child if he can’t stay PM, then nobody else is going to get the chance.

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The Chris Pincher affair


The cost of living crisis - and a tax rise

Owen Paterson row

Lack of focus - and ideas

My list is a lot longer than that … :bookmark_tabs:

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@swimfeeders , So Boris is still PM??
No wonderbMPs are still resigning then ??
Boris will be last man standing soon !!
Crafty Bugger !!
Donkeyman! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Hope this is playing LOUDLY, when he goes.

@Omah , What has happened to the governments parlimentary majoriy
after all the resignations etc ??
Maybe we will end up with another Theresa May situation !!
Donkeyman! :-1::-1:


They have resigned as Ministers but stay Tory MPs.

But she’s an obvious remoaner. She would lose the Conservatives many votes.

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Boris Johnson is giving his resignation address in an address outside No 10 Downing Street.

Self-important and self-serving - he will never learn to be different, as everyone now knows. He will always be a narcissistic, arrogant bull*****er … :icon_rolleyes:


Well it can’t be argued he’s changed, like him or loathe him.

Always everybody elses fault…what a disgrace.

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But surely it is always the leader of the party currently in power who is the PM? You can’t be one without being the other, can you? If he resigns as Leader of the Conservative Party, doesn’t that automatically mean he’s resigning as PM too?

Confused of Tunbridge Wells Plymouth.

It might well be, I think we’ll see just who what is behind it all, remoaners to the fore imo.

Ironic that his speech of resignation was clear, succinct, and eloquent ~ none of the usual blustering, hesitating or stumbling we’re used to.

“The future is golden”

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That’s because it was all about the thing he loves best - himself … :wink:


Normally yes, but Boris is Boris.

Actually he isn’t he is known as Al.

He has found a loophole to get round the normal conventions.

He believes he is different, entitled and the normal rules do not apply to him.

There was still no hint of apology or regret, he just blamed the herd instinct.


Good for him., now the next one to target, like I said earlier they need remember this , lest it happens to them.

Funny how the “herd” was the best thing in the world when Covid was going around, eh?

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He has a new speechwriter, a very highly paid one.