Boris Johnson tested positive

Just announced Boris has been tested positive!

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Boris Johnson has Covid-19 symptoms

According to a recent Tweet, the PM has been showing the signs of the coronavirus infection and so is putting himself in isolation.
The usual bile of him being tested before NHS staff is being posted.

Oh dear, and his girlfriend is pregnant isn’t she. They must be worried.

Fancy that ! Must have been all that hand shaking he was doing a few weeks ago. Not a fan of his - but at the same time I don’t wish anyone ill - so hope he is OK.

Some of the most vile Tweets are hoping that he will die from the condition. Some nasty people out there.

The horrendous stress that poor sod is going through would be more than enough to cause anyone to be showing symptoms of the Kung Flu.

I sincerely hope he hasn’t got the plague, he has done so very much for the UK by freeing us from the European Commission he deserves not to now be hit with this pestilence.

That’s just awful.

When BJ was giving his daily briefing on Wednesday afternoon I thought he looked flushed and unwell so I am not surprised by this news.

Poor chap, as if he hasn’t got enough on his plate…:frowning:

I imagine he will keep working from home if able. I have no idea who his deputy is but it seems most advice is coming from scientists and the chancellor through Boris anyway.


Earlier this week, the prime minister’s spokesman said if Mr Johnson was unwell and unable to work, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, as the first secretary of state, was the selected minister to stand in.

I said to my husband last night I hope Boris doesn’t get it, of course I don’t want anyone to get it though.

I so sorry to hear this awful news, I’ve never been a conservative voter but I have to say I think he’s doing a marvellous job for the country in the short time he’s been in power.

To wish that someone dies from it and those saying they hope he dies is just evil and vile.

What kind or people would think such a thing. To the ones publicly spouting this stuff they should be arrested because that truly is hate speech.

Get Well Soon Boris…I think we should clap for him!

I wish him well, and a speedy recovery.
I wonder who he caught it off, and are they still walking around parliament…

Boris should have moved to Yorkshire to avoid all this…:cool:

Does Boris have food tasters on his staff?
Maybe he is safe for a while as not many rivals will be willing to
face the challenges ahead??


Not great news for anyone, chances are he’ll only have mild symptoms, fingers crossed.

Hope he is ok… my first thought was for his girlfriend and their unborn child… I hope they are all ok… Get well soon Boris

Health Secretary also tests positive

Matt Hancock has tested positive for the coronavirus. He is self-isolating at home and his symptoms are said to be mild.

I’m assuming his girl friend has also been tested. :confused:

I hope both Boris and the Health Secretary get through this.

I can’t understand how royalty & politicians who test positive only have mild symptoms where as ordinary people die from it!!:confused:


I feel exactly the same way, LQ. :023:

I thought that too.