Bob's Bits.

Hi Foxy, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you both feel better soon!

Take care


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Hi OGF, I was just reading one of your very interesting posts and then realised it was the first one on this thread, way back in February 2015!

Sorry to read you and Mrs Fox are both unwell. Hope you are both back to your usual selves very soon!

Thanks @Minx and @Baz46 unfortunately Mrs Fox has deteriorated overnight and received her PCR results which were positive, but has flatly refused to go into hospital. I did a rapid Flow Test this morning after aching all over, developing a slight cough and feeling a bit weak, and it has shown positive for Covid. I’ll ring in the results after lunch and book a PCR test. I’ve painted a red cross on the front door, and hung up some garlic, just in case…

Take it easy sly old grey :fox_face: and get your wife to hospital if it gets any worse.

Look at the bright side, your body is developing antibodies naturally

Thanks Minx, as long as it doesn’t get any worse. :hugs: Actually, we had better not hug just yet… :009:

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I wasn’t sure if the stiffness I was feeling in my back and shoulders wasn’t down to the severe shaping of the Holly Bush on Friday. I always cut using hand shears because it’s like a sculpture and must be done with precision. And it’s my way of helping the planet by saving energy… :nerd_face:

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Beautiful garden sly old grey :fox_face:


Thanks Minx, how do you like my new acquisition of the bird bath?
Unfortunately we lost our next door neighbour earlier in the year, and her son asked us if we wanted a momento. We had lived next door to them for 47 years and were very close in more than just location. Mrs Fox asked if we could have the bird bath… :cry:

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Ah that’s so special sly old grey :fox_face: .
It looks perfectly placed. Your home is so neat and well maintained!

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Just thought any Moon watches out there might like this I took the other night…
There is something special about this beautiful celestial body… :sunglasses:

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Apparently around 90% of current hospital admissions and many deaths are of people that haven’t been vaccinated. Makes you think doesn’t it… :thinking:

Sending you my best wishes Bob.

Thanks Barry, that’s cheered me up no end… :roll_eyes:

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Thanks Zaphod, I’m just on my way to Doncaster Airport for PCR test…Although judging by the symptoms I know I’ve got the dreaded…At least if I survive I’ll have one hell of a natural immune system… :muscle:

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Good to see you haven’t lost your sense of humour! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I think that is lovely - really makes the garden special. I’ve always wondered whether birds will use a bath. Or whether it will just turn into (another) “special place” for one of the cats

Thanks @AnnieS, unfortunately (or fortunately for the birds) Maddie the cat is far too old to be able to jump that high arthritis and all. However, she does guard her property with a passion. She thinks that she is still a kitten, and will stand her ground against the largest of trespassers, but blackbirds and magpies mock her from the trees and high places, and she returns indoors, dispirited and dejected with her head down…

An early night last night with a Tesco hot lemon and I feel a bit better this morning. I must say, I have felt a lot worse with the flu, or even after a strenuous 50 mile fell run… :sunglasses: I hope I’m not being a bit premature, and my results have not come through yet, but I know I’ve got something!..

Whatever it turns out to be Bob here’s a “get well soon” from me. :+1: