Bob's Bits.

I used to walk along the beach at Cleethorpes. That was a long time ago. There was a papermill in Grimsby that I had business with. It closed down and the whole jing bang went to Taiwan. I went with it. Please excuse my irrelevant rant…:frowning:


Rants are welcome in ‘Bob’s Bits’ Besoeker, and its good to see you here…

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No rants here Fox, did 23000 paces in my first stint today, the pressure is on.


Buried in the back woods of Cleethorpes there is a Pennells Garden Centre who serve home made food in belly busting portions…

Although tired and sluggish from eating a meal the size of a small cow (which was probably part of a small cow) we did the walk under overcast skies with occasional light shower.

The best picture I could obtain on the day…
We should have taken the train…

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This one looks more interesting.

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Guess where I was Yesterday…

A nice piece of Victoria Sponge Cake to keep me going…

And as a bonus I happened upon this trig point, quite by accident.
So I bagged it before the rain chased me away.


Well, it isn’t Scurdy Ness !

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Anywhere near Whitby?


Near Montrose.

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Thanks Mac :grinning:
But I was trying to locate the picture…

Getting warm Mr Smith…

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Even warmer Mr Smith…

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Thanks to good old Google I think I may have discovered a famous lighthouse but I won’t reveal it if you want others to have a guess. :grinning:

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We’ll give it a few days Mr Smith, although there’s only a couple of people come in Bob’s Bits…

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I know it wasn’t which I know it wasn’t Scurdy Ness…:slight_smile:

It’s Flamborough Foxy, I know where to look :grin: :icon_wink:


Bang on Spitty, prize is in the post…

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Excellent Spitty, and Mr Smith…
How about this one?

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