Smart phones are great, for pace recording and photo taking, mine don’t get no more use than that.
Might nip on maps if i am unsure of a delivery address.
Good read Bob
I wonder how many of the younger generation do not have a smart phone ???
I also wonder how many actually block out the outside world and… just for a little time enjoy the silence
I remember recently a friends sons house caught fire late in the early morning while he was asleep
When he awoke to the cracking of the roof timbers on fire and he had to escape to his only exit door past the fire his description to me was " I had to run back to grab my phone and run for my life " That tells me younger generation accept there phone is a part of there life !!!
I agree AND You are not alone with a smart phone.
Ever since new years day I have managed at least three miles of walking/running first thing in the morning. Routes had to be chosen carefully because it was still dark, but early morning is the best time of the day in my opinion. I’ve had a few trips and splashes along the way, but I’m glad to say that it’s now broad daylight when I go out with the sun rising as I go. Seen some breathtaking sunrises on occasion.
Tuesday I woke with a pain in my left foot after a night of discomfort, it appears that gout is to blame. It seemed to abate as I wondered around the house doing my early morning chores so I proceeded with my walk/jog as usual. This morning however, despite not suffering too much pain overnight, it made walking/jogging quite painful, and it continued on my shopping trip to Tesco. It’s still throbbing substantially as I sit writing this, even though I have succumbed to administering 200mg’s of Ibuprofen.
We are due to go out with some friends tomorrow on a trip to Bridlington and there is still the 3 miles to do first thing. Better keep the Ibuprofen handy, although its not a good match to some of my heart medication.
I can’t believe it’s too much brandy and cigars.What’s the reason for the gout?
Dunno Mr Smith, there are a few suspects but nothing I can put my finger on.
(1) It always occurs at this time of year.
(2) It’s been linked to red wine, which I have with my Sunday lunch. But I generally have a glass or two every Sunday and I don’t get gout every time.
(3) Could be when blood pools in my foot due to the cold or bad circulation, or a bit of both, and leaves crystals in my toe or ankle joint, which cause inflammation and pain. Hence it happening at this time of year when its cold.
You are right to rule out Brandy and cigars…
It has got worse during the day and I think tomorrows jog/walk looks iffy…
Fox, I am coming out in sympathy, I have been doing 30000 paces a day for the past few weeks and my left foot has become problematic. If you imagine the ball of the foot forms a valley behind the toes to the raised outer foot by the little toe, this valley area has become numb, not painful. like something wrong with the nerve endings, it can nearly clear under high stress then re-manifest when there is no real stress on the foot, most strange on the foot.
Poor you Foxy…
Possibly poor circulation with your pain in your foot? I know you walk quite a bit but that must be a pain.
A rough guess would suggest that 30,000 paces equates to somewhere between 17 and 20 miles per day Spitty…
That is very impressive…
You could be right about the nerve endings becoming numb due to overuse. Both my big toes have been numb for quite a few years, either too many miles or bad circulation.
Checkout your footwear Spitty, make sure you have enough cushioning underfoot…
That’s my thought Foxy, I choose the lightest available so not treading the higher weight, something like Skechers but, this might not be best for the feet.
Sorry to hear that.I get pain in my feet a lot and thought it was one of those old age things that no one ever warns you about.
Sketchers are so light and comfortable Spitty and I have a pair of deck shoes that I can wear all day. I’ve resisted the urge to buy running shoes though, they just seem too good to be true. Very light and cushioned and I just wonder if they offer enough support.
How long does the shock absorbing qualities last? This is the test of a good walking/running shoe.
I didn’t go out this morning Mr Smith, walking was very uncomfortable, in fact, damn painful.
Circulation seems to be the major problem with the legs and feet as we grow older. Diabetes and being a smoker are also things to blame. Although I’m not diabetic yet (touch wood) and I gave up smoking back in 2004 after my first heart attack.
I am going ahead with our previously arranged visit to Bridlington with some friends (if I can get my clutch foot working without too much pain) if the worst comes to the worst, we’ll have some lunch at my favourite garden centre and just do a cruise down the seafront.
Thanks Besoeker, an old friend of mine who suffered with gout used to say that ‘it always occurs in spring when the sap is rising’ link that to my poor circulation and I’m beginning to think he was right…It never seems to happen in summer.
Foxy, my pace counter reckons I burn 1800 calories @30000 paces, that = 3 Big Macs
That’s a lot of calories over a week Spitty, I hope you are eating something more substantial than a big mac…You wouldn’t run your motor on low quality fuel…
The Bridlington excursion went ahead without incident, despite a painful clutch operating foot.
We arrived at the garden centre and after a hobble around the shop it was beef stew and dumplings. Due to my difficulty getting around we spent rather a lot of the time in the restaurant talking and eating. By the time we left there was just enough time to do a quick tour of the seafront…It reminded me of one of my favourite songs…
“Nobody on the road, nobody on the beach”…Can you guess what song it is?
Of course I know the song Foxy, I love these places when there are no folks about, post us the same photos in May or June, when the chaos is in full throw.
On a lighter note. This was the scene in Tesco this morning…Loads of tomatoes and other salad ingredients…
Despite my recent attack of gout, I managed to jog/walk round a three mile route alongside the canal this morning. It does seem to be a lot better today though, can’t let the grass grow…
Out for lunch again with some friends…There’s this little garden centre I know at Cleethorpes, and perhaps get a walk along the front to try and spot the sea…Tally Ho!