Look I’d be more frightened of losing my life ! not a bit of it!! when you want to push yourself harder do the opposite pull back. You will get there in the end because that is your personality - you will do it you don’t need to push it ok? what would be useful is a personal trainer - what salary can you offer!! I can be on next flight over!! but truly when you feel like pushing pull back? I cannot put it any plainer and this is for free atm?
Lucky you to be out on a brisk morning! That drug of choice of yours (and ours) made for a fine description of the day, and I am happy that the starlings were out this morning, It is raining here, so our seasonal starling flocks are hunkered down in the marsh on the other side of the river. It seems that I will have to suffice with the dreadmill. Cheers!
Thanks for the advice Gumbud, but I already have a personal trainer…In my head, he sits on my shoulder and tells me that nothing ever comes easy, and there’s no gain without pain…
no bob that a subjective trainer not an objective one - ya should never be taking ya own advice! get ya into a lot of trouble. still your body so your call - but when ya get a stabbin pain in ya chest and ya backs to the wall jest think of gummy!
Sorry to hear about the ‘dreadmill’ Surfer, I couldn’t do that, I would have to turn out in the rain. Speaking of which…I hadn’t gone more than two miles this morning when the sky clouded over and I was beginning to think that the shorts and fleece might not have been a good choice of attire. Although I had chosen my sturdy walking shoes (a bit heavy for jogging) I managed to get up on my toes and push the pace on to try and keep warm, it worked, and before long I was in the zone. I don’t know why, but I had decided to go a bit further today despite the now ominous looking clouds, I even put on the GPS on the strength of it.
Anyway, without giving it a second thought, I passed the five mile cut off point and carried on up the road. The sun even made an appearance and I’m glad I didn’t chicken out. The next bit was a scary walk and jog down the side of a busy road with no path, just a verge almost two foot high. The sight of quarry lorries (trucks to you Surfer) had me leaping up onto the verge, I did get some appreciative waves off the drivers. I think they were thanking me anyway.
I was glad to see the turn off on to a quiet tarmaced lane, but was dismayed when three people were already walking on this remote country road and they ended up just behind me.
I hate it when people are following me and going at the same speed, I become very aware of their presence and it stops my mind going where it will go…(a song in there somewhere)
Even the occasional jog did not put much distance between us, they were walking faster than I was. I eventually lost them as the lane joined the main road and they went the opposite way.
I was soon on the last stretch down the familiar bumpy old lane that leads to my cul-de-sac, unfortunately, I had intended a ten miler, and at eight and a half I realised it would be short. So a final lap of the village and it all became right…
Here’s my stats…
Lovely pics of the Starlings. Really great shots.
Keep right on to the end of the road Darlin’,
I’m with You all the way
Love YA…May,xx
Much appreciated May, if you were the only one that read ‘Bobs Bits’ it would be well worth writing…Thanks for the support…
Outstanding distance
, Bob, and I expect you have put a few more miles on those feet since then. It’s chilly here this morning, but the winds are calm, so my chariot - in the form of a pair of New Balance - awaits.
You mentioned walking shoes. Are they true walkers, trail runners, or something else?
Thanks Surfermom, the shoes are Merrell MOAB (Mother Of All Boot) but they are actually a walking shoe with a stubbly vibram sole and although good for grip, don’t have much of a midsole like a running shoe would have, so they are a bit flat, but decent for the rough stuff…
Give those NB some work to do Surfer, I love my NB and intend run them to death this summer…
Sunday six was a bit blowy and occasionally moist, but I enjoyed it all the same and managed to get a few shots…
This is the escape route out of the village
Once over the crossings and you are out in the country and at the start of a new adventure.
Choppy waters on the canal, I hope the people in the narrow boats can manage to cook their eggs and bacon without spilling it…
This is Bramwith Church and the place where the annual snowdrop festival is held, and its also been on the route of many of my regular runs while training for marathons.
3 Miles and half way round the Sunday six, I cross this bridge with an excellent tow path along the side of the canal and perfect for running or cycling. Seven miles along that towpath is Southfield Reservoir and I can’t wait to jog along that path, but at 14 miles round trip that’s for another day though.
As a boy I used to fish these waters under that secret bridge. It still brings back memories when I pass over it. Who would have thought that at seventy I would still be visiting it…For different reasons these days though.
I wonder if there is a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow. No time to look now though because I’m on my way home where a Sunday dinner is waiting for me…Might come back another day with the metal detector…You never know…
Would love to walk that route, it looks gorgeous, lucky you having that on your doorstep.
Lovely weather for your Sunday jaunt, Bob…… looks like you are back in form again after your op.
I expect your Sunday dinner went down well after that!
Just spectacular scenery, OGF! You are very fortunate to live along lanes that will enable you to take off right from your front door - and are so inviting. Canals aside, I am always surprised by how surprisingly similar the scenery around you is to the middle part of our country where my mother still lives. I would say likewise about the countryside surrounding just outside Moscow.
It is coincidental that you mentioned your Merrell Moab’s as I was at the Merrell store just the other day shopping for some kind of hybrid shoe that could double as a running and hiking shoe while in northern Italy and Switerzland this summer. I really don’t want to take two pairs (determined to pack a little lighter this time) but I almost need a paper bag to breath in to consider any other shoe than NB running shoes .
Looks idyllic OGF. You must be feeling fab now.
Merrells - did you once post a photo of them? Could you repost so we can admire anew? I like the sound of a hybrid boot. The trouble is it’s one of those things you cannot order on the net, you have to go to the special hiking shop and go up and down the pretend hill and check for pronation etc.
Thanks Mags, Dinner was delicious, all washed down with a couple of glasses of Chianti…I’m not used to this drinking, I felt quite merry, and wobbly…
Thanks Surfermom, I don’t think the Merrell MOAB are as comfy as the previous pair of Merrells, I can’t remember the model…I’ll find them out because they have been relegated to gardening shoes now…For my next pair I’m going to try some Salomon fell shoes, a bit expensive but might be more comfy than the Merrells. I’ll be in my NB once the lanes have dried out in the spring.
Up’s and down’s Annie, after a couple of good outings I was struggling on my five this morning. I agree with you about trying them on. I did order the Merrells off the net because they were replacing the same, but they have been modified since my last pair and I don’t think they were as comfy but I’ll use them up now.
I couldn’t find the old photo I took when they were new, but found this…Same model as the pair I’m wearing at the moment. I like them because they’ve got plenty of room in the toe box…
My apologies, but I’ve not looked at this thread for a while until this avo.
I’m glad to see your Borg Implant is working as it should. I had a visit to the Bristol Heart Institute a few weeks ago for my annual download, exactly as you describe with a large lollipop induction loop placed upon my breast. All was well.
They sometimes make minor tweaks, and occasionally I can feel a tiny sensation in my chest as it’s done.
I too have a base station by my bed. I was told that some have a built in phobile moan, or a plug-in version, which is the type I have, and they don’t rely on the internet at all. Yours of course may be different.
We had to make room for a powered wheelchair storage on the first floor landing for my Uncle/FiL, so that involved moving the rocking horse downstairs, which in turn meant moving my treadmill into the garage, but without the room to open it up.
Anyway, following a cabinet reshuffle, we have managed to make room for it back in the house, so I have started daily walks again until the weather warms up enough for me to go for long walks (but not as long as yours) outside again.
You have perfect walking country near you, and I’m sure I recognise some of it from my teenage cycling days when I lived down on the Carr. I get breathless going up a single flight of stairs, but I can manage about two hours at 5km/h on the flat, until my knees give out.
There’s only one small hill between me and the flat fields beyond, which is one of my favourite routes. I can bypass it if I take a different route, and I also enjoy walking in the other direction towards the seaside, going down lanes and snickleways between housing estates. I even discovered a tiny theatre along a long disused railway line, and a pedestrian level crossing I didn’t know existed, as well as some wonderful sculptures and muriels whilst out and about.
I love the pics of your garden, and the ones from Scarborough, fair. Please keep them coming.
Great to hear from you Fruitcake, and Its good to hear that you are beginning to get out and about. Do you wear a heart monitor while exercising? I always wear one to keep an eye on what’s going on. Sometimes my heart rate goes off the scale for no apparent reason…170 bpm so I have to stop and rest for a while. I understand that if it reaches 200 bpm the defibrillator with activate.
I’m managing to jog for short distances but try and keep my heart rate down to 130 bpm sometimes its easy, but on bad days it runs out of control, and goes all over the place, so I just end up walking.
I think the router must have a phone incorporated because it doesn’t use the house wifi and is stand alone with just a dongle connected, the transformer just plugs into a standard mains socket. At my one month checkup they said that they had already received downloads, so it works…
Due to other health problems that are exacerbated by heart failure, I haven’t been out and about yet. I will when it’s warner and drier though, covid permitting amongst other things.
I don’t jog. I’ve never, ever enjoyed running unless it was with an ovoid shaped ball under my arm, and I’ve not done that for a few decades. I absolutely detested cross country running round the scramble lands between Donny racecourse and Armthorpe Main. I was a sprinter, possibly third fastest in the school at one time, and second fasted in the first fifteen. Anything over 220 yards though and I couldn’t sustain it. In any case, my arthritic knees couldn’t take the pounding nowadays.
I don’t wear a heart monitor. My heart rate goes up to about 110 - 115 bpm from an artificially reduced resting rate of about 60 bpm when I walk at 5km/h on my treadmill that has heart-rate sensors built into the handgrips.
Consequently I know my heart rate will be roughly the same a-cause I walk at the same pace when I am without.
My defib’ device has several different modes. If my heart starts playing up then it will give mild “nudges” that I’m told I won’t notice, to get it back into correct rhythm.
The worse the problem gets, the bigger the belt. I’m told if it ever goes off at full chat, I will know about, with eyes coming up like two lemons on a fruit machine.
Anyway, you know your body better than anyone else, and I’m sure you will follow the advice your heart team gives you. Just don’t overdo things and do as you are told.
Fruity wags a friendly finger at Mr Fox
Had a bit of a set back with the drone I ordered from ebay, the supplier cancelled the order, I suspect that they didn’t have any left. I had tried several places but only ebay had just one left. Apparently they didn’t…So I did something I said I would never do…Ordered one off Amazon…
It should be here in the next two hours…