Small World…Husband meet him by chance in a bar in Hong Kong, when he was in the Army…
…he said like you do…can I buy you a beer…no thanks was the answer… and understand that myself, but Husband then only 18ish felt he was off hand.
Stars must have got attention though where ever they went once they made some fame…
That sounds like a good school Long Driver…was it approved by any chance like mine was.
LOL @ Di. It was and maybe still is an advanced technical college. I slotted in there for the engineering foundation straight from boarding school as a steeping stone to uni.
Ok well that sounds a good route, I struggled at school was loving sport only and maths I enjoyed but English was a bit of a nightmare for me.
My Twin Son right from when his Son was a toddler…that boy is going to Uni…and he did, can tell you about it sometime as It means going on and on and zzzzzzzz…
I luckily followed the cheeky idea of one of my tutors at college and applied via an advert for graduates to join the Ministry of Public Buildings & Works. For my cheek I was called up for an interview and that resulted in the crown sponsoring my way through uni via sandwich courses. I did well and ended up transferring to special services where special category buildings needed my expertise at home and short duties overseas (dips & cons) wherever I ‘volunteered’ (read coerced) to be sent.
I joined the Forestry Commission based in Savile Row, London Town with all the Tailors now a Tailor would have ‘‘suited’’ me more so as good with my handiwork.
But in the mid 60’s getting a job as a junior in the Civil Service was nothing special.
But when Rosi got a job there as well…We had a great time…we had the best for sure…
BMW’s or the ones we call them fart cars…they are very low cc’s and don’t go more than 40 kph and they still drive like maniacs…Honestly the older ones are the worst…bearing in mind our roads from here to the shops are narrow and mainly 1 and a half lanes wide…with side edges that you can dive into…
…We have a decent car a Qashqai 4 x 4 that is our first brand new one, so naturally we drive it with care…well we have any vehicle we have owned…but you get my point…they come at you and the choice is get out the way or else…We would wish a bumper car and test that out… !
that is a wide section and note the side grass banks before the farmlands start…
Do you refer to this one Di?
The little car you can drive in France without a licence - BBC News
that one is a average narrower one…
14 years old can drive here in the fart cars…no licence required , just some sit and answer a few questions…
Drunk drivers depending on the amount they are over the limit…are allowed to drive the’ fart cars’
it seems to me it is all because it is a very Rural Country… We have no buses and and to get to the train station you need transport…
They would not be allowed to drive on the National Routes.
Art, lovely to see you posting again.
I now drive a 61 Reg Ford C Max, an ex works car, as boring as they come, but a real BMW Killer.
It is great fun, park on the inside lane at Traffic lights, the BMWs pull up in the outside lane and sneer at you until the lights change
A leaving present from Work.
a small two-seater car that anyone aged 14 or over can take out on the road with as little as four hours’ experience behind the wheel,
Goodness! I love it! I want one! Why can’t we have them over here.
The smart cars would be far far better though the small one like I had in the UK was only a two seater…
The ‘‘Fart cars’’ are about the same size but more like a lawnmower engine by the sounds they make…They are a tongue in cheek vehicle with some people…not exactly a laughing stock but when you get behind one it is not a bundle of laughs either.
The Microcar is a much better proposition:-
Microcar UK - A new way to drive (
That does look good Long…Driver.the small ones here are just weird…I think they intend for us normal drivers to see just that…rather than have a large warning signed all over them…
Swim, I have a Cmax as a workhorse, and a BMW for the summer, the Cmax’s 0-60 time is almost double the Beamers.
Can make you a Split Personality.
No Spitty, no disagreement because I’m talking facts and you’re talking opinion…
If you want facts, when did a Mercedes take center stage in a Bond Film?, one had a “Bit Part” once.