Blood Thinners

Is anyone else here on blood thinners?

I’ve been on them for nearly 4 yrs after open heart surgery.

Have you noticed thinning of your skin?..

Just lately I seem to be catching the skin on my arms, on certain objects, then before I know it,I have a bleed or a nasty skin the bleeding takes ages to stop,:tired_face:

Has this type of thing happened to you?

I think I will ring GP today, just for more information of why this is happening?

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Nope, not to me. My MIL has been on steroids for a number of years and even the tiniest of scratches leads to all sorts of problems to heal.

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My husband is on blood thinners and yes he has all those symptoms.

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Look at this, I don’t even know how I did it…I know it’s just minor to what is seriously going on in the world today…especially these war torn countries and flooding.

I was just wondering what you did about it, if you had this happen to you, because of blood thinners?

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Did she consult her doctor about it,Dex?

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When you are on blood thinners you have to be careful .

Think its all par for the course. The steroids are to treat her asthma, so she’s between a rock and a hard place. But like you, I guess Pauline.

Just walking into the corner of a coffee table does that sort of thing. Is your skin water thin too?

I think the skin gets thinner , the longer you are on these thinners, Muddy,

This has just started to happen, and yes, I will certainly be careful in future.

I think I will be giving my heart consultant a call today and speak to the receptionist, …I should of had a heart check up by now, so I best get an appointment in hand, then will ask her to take me off them…if that’s possible.

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i am on blood thinners as in aspirin for over 4 years now as i had a serious leg injury where they had to transfer a vien from my good leg to my injured leg. this kind of thing can only be done once so cannot risk getting a blood clot, therefore the reason i am on blood thinners. but sorry not sen any thinning in my skin i am 61 years old if that makes a difference.

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They put me on these blood thinners after open heart surgery, I went into Atrial Fibrillation, the heart starts to beat really fast, if it’s not controlled, clots can break off, he did explain the full impact of what can happen, I’ve forgotten what he said, all I can remember is heart attack and stroke, …I was rushed into hospital with it when I went into it at home, and thankfully I’m still here,:pray:…well, I haven’t gone into Atrial Fibrillation for at least 2 years now, so here’s hoping they will take me off them, when I next see my heart consultant.

Edit to add, or at least put me on a lower dose, we shall see.

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Good luck with that. I suspect that youll be on those meds for life, but maybe they can reduce the dosage a tad.


That’s exactly what I’m hoping for Dex, to get the dosage reduced…from 10 mg to 5 mg…my GP won’t be able to authorise that it has to go through my consultant…so I will be ringing them soon to make an appointment,:+1:

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In the meantime, a bulkload of dressings from Amazon or eBay might be a useful purchase.

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I’ve been on them for about 20 years.

First Warfarin, with blood tests every month, then Apixaban, with a routine review every 2 months.

Yes, there are side effects but, they’re why we’re still here!


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I’ve said before about ending up on the kitchen floor and not knowing why at the time , TIA, all due to high blood pressure and high cholesterol , I’m on Clopidogrel 75mg. and do bleed with the slightest nick, I’d sooner have that than a full blown stroke.



Yes exactly the same here

So you bleed a bit, shaving is not fun but clots kill

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I am on anticoagulants, technically they are not ‘blood thinners’ but change the clotting time.

I am on Apixaban my son is on Rivaroxaban both from the new generation of direct oral anticoagulants. my brother is on Warfarin much more trouble having to check INR.

I have been on Apixaban for 5 years, no problems other than a blood shot eye. I cut my hand badly on a bramble while freeing a sheep and was shocked by the cut across my palm. I applied a pressure pad of tissue and by the time I reached home having walked across a field the bleeding had stopped.

My P-AF episodes are long and frequent the Apixaban is helping to prevent strokes. My son has had 2 DYTs and pulmonary embolism my brother has AF.

Thinning skin is certainly something to talk to your GP about if you are on blood thinners. And yes blood thinners can cause thinning of the skin, as can some other medications. Steroids for example. But so can the sun & with the weather we have had this year, that could be a factor.

But thinning skin & blood thinners do not go well together. So make that appointment.

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Hi Pauline, AF is no big deal, I get an episode every 8 days now lasting up to 22 hours. My episodes are symptomatic with a very fast heart rate, breathlessness , hot sweats and feeling generally ill. I if I went to hospital every time I may as well move in there I prefer to sit it out at home rather than spend hours on a trolley in a corridor and my consultant is happy with that as long as I don’t have chest pain . I have tried rhythm control drugs, they made it worse so I just stick to the betablocker for rate control and apixaban .
AF is something you can get used to living with and not something you should be scared of. .
I haven’t noticed any skin thinning.