Hi Meg, AF for me was life threatening, my heart was beating so fast, they had to put me on an IV drip I believe it was called, they injected something into the IV, that thankfully brought it down…I was actually rushed into hospital with it…I also passed out with it.that is why I was put on Apixaban to thin the blood, my heart consultant told me it was a blood thinner.
It’s a horrible thing to experience, especially when the machine you are also attached too goes off,…when the heart beat reaches a certain speed of beats.
I feel for you and what you must go through…horrible experience for you to deal with.
Yes, I will Lyn, I’m trying to get through to the Sherborne unit in Basingstoke.
I’ve just managed to get through, the receptionist told me I’m down for April next year, they will contact me, regarding the skin flap, I need to speak to my GP about it as you suggested, then he will advise.
I will phone after 2pm …if we do that, we get a phone consultation from the doctor that afternoon or evening.
Hi Pauline unless you are very old and small in stature the standard dose of Apixaban s 5mg twice daily because it only has a half life of 12 hours so doses should be taken twice daily at the same time every day.
My P-AF as well as a fast heart beat also causes swings in BP and HR and I sometimes have to raise my legs because of feeling faint.
I think the worst part of an episode is I can’t do anything because of the breathlessness and extreme fatigue that descends so I do the minimum of activity slowly and when possible lay down and do breathing excercise.
Anticoagulants are a life saver for many of us, there was a lady on the local news who died because the doctor she saw failed to prescribe anticoagulants for her AF and she had a stroke. The deciding factor about taking them for AF is your CHADSVAS score, mine is 3, 1 for age,1 for high blood pressure and an extra one for being female.
My son is on them for life because he has a blood clotting condition inherited from his father that is thought to have contributed to the 2 DVTs /PEs in such a young person