Beggars outside shops

who JC no never unemployed as soon as he hit that crib he was up and running! Had the three wise men workin for him heh?

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Reading about those beggars with homes and on benefits has reminded me of a very old (well to my teenage eyes at the time) very scruffy looking and smelly woman that sat on an old orange box outside the entrance to Bilston market not far from where I used to live with my parents. This lady always worn the same old raggy cloths and coat with a card pinned in her lapel begging for money. She was always there on a market day, come rain or shine wearing the same old rags.

Forward a few years on and I’ve got married and left home but still living about 5 - 6 miles away from Bilston. I read a report in the local evening newspaper that this old lady had died and her will had been probated. IIRC, she had left something in the region of £500k to various charities. :man_shrugging:

We have them at intersections, at the entrance to shopping center parking. At least they get honest and creative with their signs.

This guy was really creative and smart.

Be even smarter if he moved all the money to the box marked Men and just a little change in the one marked Women. LOL

then ya could really work out who where the smart women!

We don’t see too many around here but most small towns have Romanian Big Issue sellers. One of them is a woman who is a pest because she blocks the pavement and is very “in your face”. They are not supposed to do that.

When I was a volunteer in a charity shop the male Big Issue seller used to come in when we were busy and try on clothes and steal new stuff and leave all his old tat behind!

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What an absolute liberty taker! Perhaps a visit from plod might have changed his/her ways.

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heh guys didn’t all the towns in 15 century England have beggars everywhere - it was part of the rich fabric of English life - ya just goin around in circles - now there musts be a way to cash in on that ?? put a few gallows up ; dunking chairs and a pond?

Now you know why I don’t want to delve back into my family history Gumbud…I might not like what I find…

ah comin OGF ya haven’t taken beggin up again have ya - and you’ve been tellin ya missus that ya running everyday?

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