Basic indoor plant care?

So reading up about my new indoor plants and the advice for each seems roughly the same:

  • Keep out of direct sunlight / radiators
  • Water when soil feels free dry (top 25 to 50% of it)
  • Water until it runs through to bottom
  • Discard any water that drips/collects into the bottom
  • Mist leaves occasionally (and remove dust from leaves)

Does that sound about right? :upside_down_face:

I don’t have any indoor plants. My first wife used to say that having indoor plants was just subjecting them to a slow lingering death because that is all you were doing - trying to stop them dying.

I do have a number of pot plants (in the garden) mostly succulents that I take cuttings of as I walk around the streets. Currently am cultivating over half a dozen geranium cuttings to plant out on the nature strip outside my house so that there is less grass to mow.

Have had no success with the one plant that should be easy - Pig Face - it starts off well as a ground cover but always seems to die on me

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Wish i could be of help Azz,but i can kill artificial plants.

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I’ve taken to keeping a plastic container on the kitchen windowsill that’s constantly topped up with tap water.
The idea is to leave it for twenty four hours before watering the plants so that the chemicals in the tap water evaporate.
It looks green, algae ridden and scummy, the plants seen to like it though.

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If I need to destroy any plants I’ll give you a call BV :wink:

Interesting CB! I was actually planning on just feeding them from my own bottled water because I’m lazy :lol: but that’s an interesting point, would it be worth collecting rainwater for them? Surely that’d be better than tap water?

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Probably, Rainwater’s cheaper than Perrier too :wink:
I’m a flat dweller, if I had a garden I’d certainly set up a water butt.

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I’ve got two 2500 litre rainwater tanks in my garden you can have to start you off


Cheers Bruce…if we have another summer like the last one I might well take you up on that :smiley:


Hi, I have 91 house plants and hopefully more to come. I never give mine tap water, only rain water, at push if no rain water its either bottled water or the cold left over water from the kettle. I also water most of them from the bottom, stand them in water until you can feel the compost is damp when you push your finger in about an inch (yes, I am still talking . Over watering seems to be the main cause of death. Watering from the top is mostly ok. I tend to go little on often, you can always add but you can’t take away. If your in doubt Google the plant name and it’ll tell you all you need to know. It’s actually quite fascinating once you get into it, their air purifying qualities do help the home.

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I think I’ve killed one of mine from doing that - it was one of my favourites as well :cry:

The weeping fig:

Post pics, I’m sure I’m not the only one who’d love to see them :blush:

Yes please! 91 house plants is amazing! :herb:

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Weeping figs can be total fuss pots, they don’t like being moved, they don’t like this they don’t like that. They are lovely plants though. I’m just trying to find out how to add photos to a

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Err, it says new users can’t upload photos… strange


That’s a shame, looking forward to seeing them when you can

You need to get up to Trust Level 1 to post photos. To do that you have to:

  • enter at least 5 threads
  • read at least 30 posts
  • spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts

So it won’t take you long!

Link to Trust level explanation!

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Brilliant, thanks for that. I’m not the best at reading instructions for


I didn’t want you to feel picked on or excluded :hugs:

Apologies to everyone else for diverting the thread, I see Azz has already filled you in! :pray:


Some of my housemates…


Beautiful! Thanks for posting the pictures. :slightly_smiling_face:


Wow Mayham a fantastic collection :cupid:
It’s a indoor garden


I’ve 11 houseplants most were purchased as tiny little things from Lidl . be careful what you buy as they romp way .
Water sparingly in the winter.
Feed regularly spring and summer
Indirect bright light
I take the plants outside in a summer rain shower it perks them up .