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We all see things differently Mags…that’s what makes this forum a truly great forum.


Hi again tarantula and welcome back though Your Avatar still freaks Me out :shock:

Your not alone it seems we have a few haddaway comebacks returned of late. sometimes a break can be good for the soul.

I think the thread that caused you to flounce off was called ‘DEROGATORY’ started by you I believe.

I LOVE spiders! Small dogs freak me out, give me a German Shepherd any day!:mrgreen:

You seem quite determined to cause a rumpus malcolm.

Tell you what. Why don’t we all post the name or names of the people we don’t like and the person or persons that get the most mentions can get banned.:lol:

Good idea Ez. By the way - I like you!

Welcome back Tarantula.

…and I like you too Susie. Not sure that makes me safe tho’:lol:

And I like you too, Ez, so that’s 2 votes you’ve got. :slight_smile:

Nurse, sick bag please!

Here she comes, Purwell . .

Reckon that one would get Uncle Joe up and away on his toes, let alone me!

Well, what a to do!

Us Misanthropes never get liked.

She looks as though she’s got an enema tube there not a sick bag! Run Away!!!

:lol: We’re supposed to be voting people off and it seems I have two votes!:lol:
Ok I can take a hint!:lol:

Tough luck I like you and I know others do too :mrgreen:

Get it right EZ! You and a few others on here could cause a mass walk out if you left because we would miss you! :smiley: Mind you, Meg would soon sort us out and tell us that it is your decision… and who would disagree with Meg? :lol::lol::lol:

You are right Julie, the share price of Kleenex tissues would rocket if Nom left. :cry: