At what age did you "Find Yourself"?

The day I let go of many [early years] bad memories.


I don’t think it’s a matter of finding ourselves.The way we are,behave, the way we react, think, decide, depends on the situation we’re living at a certain time in our lives. Maybe we just go through life “evolving” but not necessarily “losing” or “finding” ourselves.
I can definitely say when I became a “responsible adult”, aware of responsibilities, putting the welfare of others before mine, and that is when I got married and started a family, at 27 years old. :family_man_woman_girl_boy:


<< Thought he Had Found Himself. UNTILL.1975!
When the amazing Bill Gates. Showed the World. With Microsoft Basic.
There were potentially 8 Billon others. Outside of a Minuscule Bubble.
POP Goes the Bubble. And still finding what ticks. :wink:


Every time I look in the mirror, I think. there I am


Except my phrasing is slightly different. More like:
“Gawd, is that me?”


The lord is thy shepherd, I shall not want.

Some people need shepherding.


How did you do that?


We all do d00d, but we just don’t know it
Usually it involves another person. I became an adult and found myself when I met and married Mrs fox and she gave me a daughter
You suddenly realise that life is not a party
Not all the time anyway


I made the decision to stop consuming alcohol when I woke up in a hotel room staring up at the bare light bulb, with two empty port bottles beside the bed, a headache so bad.
I was homeless, helpless and hopeless.
Laying in that room for a week, listening to the laughter and frivolity going on outside as the world got on with living, the decision was made to not continue down this dead end path of drink, drink and more drink.
That was May 2001 and I vowed never to drink alcohol again. Stopped immediately and have never had another drink since that day.


I’m still looking to find myself but keep taking that wrong turning somehow. Being able to control drinking is a great lesson rather than letting it control you!


That’s a bleak but inspiring story,Brett.Have you considered giving talks to AA?


I did go to one AA meeting in Fremantle before I made the decision to quit drinking but found it too depressing.
There were people there who were obviously “under the influence”, there was one participant who kept falling asleep, the moderator did not seem to have control.
I left that meeting saying if I am going to stop then I will need to do it on my own.
Which I did.
What I learnt was that to give up drinking, one must really want to stop drinking. It must be a priority, not half hearted.
I knew that to continue living then the alcohol needed to be gone. Otherwise I would go the way of my brother who died age 32 through issues related to alcohol.
So to be honest, I did want to live and experience a better future than the previous 40 years.
Will power allowed me to overcome that addiction. Same as the cigarettes, a pack a day for 30 years, stopped cold turkey. Same as pot, stoned every day for 25 years, stopped cold turkey.


Blimey,you are lucky you are still on the planet. :grinning:


Sad story @Bretrick, but glad for you that you are now out of it. Congratulations on your great will power.


Thank you Rose.
There comes a time when decisions need to be made.
My father made the decision to keep drinking knowing that it would kill him. He did not want to live without alcohol so he effectively knowingly drank himself to death. Died of liver failure.

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Lets have some Leonard Cohen to cheer us up ~

I fought against the bottle,
But I had to do it drunk
Took my diamond to the pawnshop
But that don’t make it junk.

I know that I’m forgiven,
But I don’t know how I know
I don’t trust my inner feelings
Inner feelings come and go.


Best decision ever, to give up “Cold Turkey”


:crazy_face: Yes indeedy!

So sorry to hear about your father

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Thank you. So sad that he did not want to live a sober life.

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