Aren't you glad now that we left the EU?

I would have thought you of all people would have understood that.

How are you defining socialism ?

Yes, and some of the profits they make while not paying their share and exploiting their employees are obscene

So I’m all for denting their profits

As for denting employment, if the need for what the company provides continues to exist, then either they’ll continue to provide it, with reduced profits or someone else will, so little threat to employment

Pensions, the same, employees can take their pension schemes with them. And the extra tax collected could be used to boost pension credit and benefits

Investments? How many really invest in this country? And how many are tax dodgers investing elsewhere?

Charge them the extra tax , then the government and other taxpayers can decide how it needs to be invested.

And perhaps the poor sods on PAYE who don’t get the tax dodging opportunities directors of limited companies do might be able to do some investing themselves if the minimum wage went up to being the living wage

@Maree , On the ‘taking your pension fund with you’ Maree, l think you will.
find that you can only take the portion that you paid with you ?
The employer gets their portion back ?
Donkeyman! :thinking::thinking:

Denting companies profits with big taxes causes the companies to go elsewhere, we saw that during the brain drain in the 70s and we also saw it when Blair hiked corporation tax rates in the 90s. When that happens UK workers lose jobs and we go into recession. Thats really bad for everyone.

The UK, China and the USA had the some of the largest foreign investment in 2021. We also outstrip the EU (all of it) in economic growth and employment levels (as a result), the reason for that is we have favourable taxation and solid infrastructure. We have full employment in the UK as of this week as well. That’s because businesses want to do business here because of many different reasons, but if they cannot make profits to reinvest then they go elsewhere - it isn’t worth it.

the “poor sods” on PAYE don’t pay any tax on the first £12500 of earnings (or thereabouts) and the reason that wages go up is not just because of the living wage or the minimum wage (which when introduced caused wages to drop in a lot of areas) its because of investment from other companies recruiting people and creating demand in the employment markets.

Everyone avoids tax, its perfectly legal and pensions are linked to company profits and the markets are. Screw that and you screw pensions


[quote=“Psmith, post:260, topic:87830, full:true”]

A lot of people talking about socialism here but it’s not what I define it as.
It’s not state intervention or provision by the welfare state, it’s common ownership and It’s never been proposed by any political party.It’s the only answer to the inhumanity of capitalism.It will never happen though.

not read what was written before but does this mean anyone can walk into your home and claim it is part theirs?

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There are laws concerning employees . just look at heath and safety for one. working condtions are covered by law as well as employment laws. There are even laws covering dismissal and laws covering contract of employment. We had to be fully aware of them in our business

So I don’t know which comic book you got that from

Common ownership of the means and instruments for producing and distributing wealth by and in the interest of the whole community

A thing to be deplored.

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Yes, I know.

I don’t think you quite understood the point I was making, RS, but keep trying; you’ll get your own back eventually. :slightly_smiling_face:

And where in the world is that working well ?

Venezuela and Cuba? :102:


I am glad we left.

I knew when I voted to leave that there would be an Economic Cost in the short term,

What I did not expect that our idiotic Politician’s, on both sides, would make such a mess of it.

It is the British Disease, useless Politicians.



I am left of Centre when it comes to Politics.

I disagree with many things that both Artful and Bread post.

They are both right however that we should deliver Public Services at the minimum possible cost and that those who can work, should.

I also believe that we should support more those who genuinely cannot work or who can only work part time in very low paid jobs.

Working for a living is the essential thing.

It is very annoying to see those who can work getting Benefits they do not deserve.


The trouble with common ownership is that people are quite happy to share in the rewards and benefits of such a system, but there are those who expect not to contribute it. You could look at food banks as an example. Set up for those who genuinely can’t afford food, yet abused by other non-deserving cases who are just attracted by the thought of free food and exploit the minimal checks of the banks to do so. There have been plenty of examples of this abuse - claiming free food and other goods and then climbing into their 4x4s and driving off.

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Yes, that is right, as long as, “delivering at a minimum cost”, doesn’t mean putting as little money into them as you can get away with. Public services should be run as efficiently as possible, but they should also be adequately funded, and the funding, unfortunately, has to come from taxes. If we have low tax rates, we get second rate services; it’s a matter of which you prefer.

Yes, indeed it is, but in order to look after those in genuine need, the State inevitably ends up subsidising the easy lives of some who are capable of looking after themselves but don’t want to make the effort. That is perhaps, though, the lesser of two evils.

I think some things should be nationalised .
Public transport for one .
The railways should IMO be renationalised the present system is exorbitant with private companies charging what they like . It’s has destroyed all the spontaneity of rail travel as unless you book months ahead you will need a mortgage for a ticket .

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The problem with the railways is that they are not privatised enough

The railways should definitely be renationalised; the current situation seems to be a shambles. They would then need to be run properly, of course, and nationalised industry doesn’t have a good (track) record for that, but there is no reason why they couldn’t be. :steam_locomotive:

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Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I really don’t think you should be. :slightly_smiling_face: