What a terrific picture Sufermom, love her lifejacket!
Long walks with a dog are no longer a realistic option for me.
I have lost a lot of muscle mass, so my exercise regime is very different now.
I do sit down Yoga, have pedal exerciser I can use sat down and at the same time as I am doing that I exercise my upper body using weights and resistance bands.
Yes it is boring, but essential.
The OT title. Is exactly. Why Greenchops is Miffed >>
. Wanting to go Walkies.
Why Greenchops !! She gets Mal de Mar.
It shows!
I am still able to work.
This is my dog. Gone many years ago but I still think of her sometimes:
I’ve started doing the Joe Wicks exercises for seniors. I’d have thought myself above that a year or so ago but even these mild exercises are knackering after such a long time of being inactive due to illness.
Not going to do them today though. The weather is great and I’ll be working in the garden. That ought to be enough.
Edit: This is me years ago. Fit enough to ride up most of that hill behind me but parts of it are particularly steep, so walked some of it. I’d be in my fifties when this was taken. How things can change…
Great photo Mart, that path behind you looks very tempting to me…
Time marches on and you never realise that one day it will all come to an end, there are things I wish I’d done while I could.
I turned fifty in 2000 and continued running half marathons until just shortly after my 63rd birthday in 2013…
Kinda ironic that I ran my 63rd half marathon when I was 63.
This was me on my last half marathon, who could have realised that it would have been my last. I’m just finishing off a jam sandwich if you were wondering…
I have only one cycling achievement, for decades I would ride the annual 92km from Sydney to Wollongong through the notorious Royal National Park. I am proud to say that I never had to get off my bike on any of the hills (and biy, are there hills).
The photo was a ride after my back operations because I had to buy a hybrid bike as I could no longer stand on the pedals and “grind” up hills on a racing bike.
All my kids have, at various times, done it with me too.
One year I did the “ride against the clock” and completed the ride in about 3hrs 30mins I could have done it about 10minutes quicker but I waited for a friend where we are escorted by the police downhill into the national park. I have a certificate somewhere.
These days it is a shorter ride and the ride against the clock is not done any more.
I am still able to work, that involves paid exercise, best of both worlds
Brilliant achievement Bruce…
Just by chance I stumbled upon a poster in a local boozer.
The image has been cropped for obvious reasons but I’m seriously looking forward to making a phone call on Monday!
Aikido here I come…
Bit of a rough establishment then Chilli…
I only go in at lunchtime Foxy
Work out? exercise? you must be joking. Getting out of bed and going for a pee is enough exercise for me
Just spare us the video real speed!
Every cloud has a silver lining. I don’t have to do that. External plumbing has some advantages.
He’s kept his looks very well for a senior, not even a sign of grey.
He has hasn’t he?