Are You, Or Do You Know, A Narcissus?

Not a load of rubbish to me Arty, I was an only child, but I believe it taught me independence, hence my love of solitude and the great open spaces. I could live quite comfortably without ever seeing another human being.

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I was not an only child, hence my love of solitude and the great open spaces. My 2 sisters are shall we say horrid people and I’ve had little to with them since our parents passed. Except keep my distance, any relationship with them is toxic.

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@ OGF, Well if you look atnyour reflection in every pool you come across whilst out alone in the great outdoors then it is likely
that you classify as a narcissist OGF! LOL!
Donkeyman! :grin::grin:

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Yes Foxy, make sure you don’t sell your soul to the devil… whoops, looking at your pics, it seems you have and it’s already worked on your legs!!

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If lying then becoming aggressive and blaming others when caught out in a lie is a defence. In my experience narcissists don’t have to be good looking or suave. Just have a big mouth and the ability to immediately think of who to blame and how to explain that blame convincingly.


My experience of narcissists is that they are not only children. They learned their art to get attention from parents while making siblings look bad.

I get you Danny, it’s the same here but of 1 sister. I am thinking your life is much more peaceful with the distance, mine is anyway.
People can change, but toxic people rarely do. My sister lacks self-awareness and doesn’t take any responsibility for her actions and how those actions have hurt our family. Instead, toxic people blame you and expect YOU to cater to their demands.

I call distancing the sister from life SELF CARE


Good post, Queenie, especially the last sentence.
I had to distance myself from my brother after Mum died. He can’t hurt me that way.


@LionQueen Just a little tidbit of info. My older sister is so toxic the last I heard she was on husband number 7, and got mad as hell I wouldn’t go to the wedding. I stopped going after number three. I quit keeping up with names after number 4. The hilarious thing, and one reason she dislikes me, She complained that all 7 sets of in laws hated her. I told her all those marriages only had one thing in common, and that was her.

Of course Danny, seeking out the wild places is not exclusive to ‘Only Children’ and probably nothing to do with my love of them. We all have our own reasons for visiting them, and some people never find or desire them. Personally, the main attraction for me is to leave the technological and information filled circus that this world is turning into, and just find some peace and quiet, alone with my thoughts and with no other input except that which nature provides.

Having never had any siblings I don’t know what relationship I would have had with a brother or sister, however, I have never held a grudge in my life, and find it hard to believe that I would ever ostracise anyone, least of all family, no matter what they had done. I suppose I’m just a naturally forgiving person.

I can’t say that staring into a pond or pool of water to observe my reflection is something that I’ve done in the past Donkeyman, only to study the life that exists there. Especially fish…

Oh Arty! definitely not the devil, I like to think that the good lord is responsible for providing me with all the necessary ingredients, and the inclination and wisdom to look after them and use them to best effect.


Yes and while I’m not a full narcissist, I do unfortunately have narcissistic characteristics.

Both my parents were very narcissistic but weren’t ever diagnosed. Why would they? They wouldn’t ever consider themselves at fault; it was always someone else’s fault.

Her next hubby has to be called Henry :slight_smile:


I don’t know about Henry the 8th, but I know she sees bank account #8. Unfortunately. (1)

Is that your work Danny?
It’s damn good if it is…Amazing!

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No I found it. Couldn’t find a good Biden one. :rofl: :rofl:

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