Are you competitive?

I’m not, I just don’t get it

At school as was always in trouble in sports lessons for not caring if my team won or not

Same with board games, what difference does it make if you win or not? When we played Monopoly I used to slip my brother some of my money when he wasn’t looking so he’d win and we could get it over with faster!

So what about you, are you competitive?

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No I’m not competitive with people at all. I’m quite hard on myself though, so if there is a thing where you are in competition with yourself I suppose that would be more like me :joy:

I am very competitive with my cooking, if my sons girlfriend made him a sponge or meal.

I would have to cook or bake a better one…I just have a very competitive spirit in that area…same when I was a cook…in residential/ nursing home…I had to be top cook and I was.

My son is also extremely competitive, in his profession, he was the top in his field in the business.

Other than that, no I’m not competitive…

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Yes, that’s me exactly too. I enjoy hints where I’m beating my own record and getting better but can’t see any point in beating other people

For example, I enjoy playing pétanque in a team with my brother for the companionship and because throwing those silver balls is so skilful and I love getting better at it and doing a hidden shot

But I’ve got no desire to beat the other team. In fact, I’m really chuffed when they do a good shot too🤣

Drives my brother nuts!

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Well done to your son, he probably gets it from you xxxx Do you think men are more competitive than women?

But I wouldn’t ever do that to my son’s girlfriend. I’d always tell her how brilliant it was, and that mine always come out rubbish :rofl:
Why would you want to compete with your son’s girlfriend? You want to watch that, could lead to trouble :imp:

I love to cook but I’m not competitive, I just like to cook the best I can and if someone else does better, I enjoy seeing it and wondering if I could do it like that

You wouldn’t do it to “your” sons girlfriend, Maree,:grinning:

Sorry, I can’t lie and tell her what a beautiful cook she was if she wasn’t, this was a past girlfriend by the way.

As I say I am very competitive in the cooking field, even at the gym that I used to frequent, when they did charity cake events…they would be phoning me up to make them cakes…sometimes in honesty I was embarrassed to put mine next to some, because they were nowhere near my standard,:rofl::joy::sweat_smile:…I am hoping to enter my sponges in my childhood village fete this year.

I just know that I will win.:joy::rofl:

No good me having competitive feelings - I’m not good anything!

If I post a photo in this forums Photo competition I’m always surprised if people like it & flabbergasted on the odd times it’s won.

As Pixie has said, I do like to compete against myself though & try to do something better than the last time…

I am like you - I enjoy playing games but I don’t feel any need to win.

I do like a challenge though and will set self-development goals for myself, especially for physical exercise

My sisters and I often play online word games together, like Scrabble, and I just enjoy the game, regardless who wins.
One of my sisters is driven by wanting to win and I find it spoils the game a bit to be so focused on the total score and on beating all the other players - the pleasure for my other sis and I is in playing the game and we are genuinely pleased for another player if they are playing well or if they come up with a high-scoring triple word.

I could be beaten by an ant in cooking :joy: so not competitive in that.
Competitive with my self to push me on to do things I’ve not done before or improve myself.
I started playing skittles as a social thing. Wether we were competitive or not I don’t know. But we all tried our best and strangely we were successful. Which didn’t go down well with some that had been playing skittles for years. They were the ones that became competitive trying to beat us :joy:
I played football Saturday and Sundays for years and also 5 a side. Guess as a team we were competitive but not to the point of win at all costs. :grinning:

Come to mummy, and I will bake you a lovely sponge cake,:joy::rofl:

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Oooh, ouch Pauline! Not sure I’d want you as my mother-in-law! Is that why she’s a past girlfriend? :rofl::rofl:

I just get loads more pleasure from building someone up than I do from showing them how much better I am than them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It sounds like you’re a smashing cook and no wonder your in demand at charity bakes, but the others are contributing too and deserves bit of encouragement. Hope you buy someone else’s and big them up

One day, you’re bound to lose, of course. Will you be a sore loser? :rofl::rage::smiling_imp:

Good luck at the fete, I hope you win!


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Have you ever heard of “ tongue in cheek” Marreee?

Seriously, I was joking about my sons girlfriend and I would always big them up as you say.

I never knew or could see posts that were tongue in cheek…I woke up to them yesterday.:+1::+1::rofl::joy:.

I am an extremely competitive cook ,:smiley:…of course there is always one who will bake better than I…I haven’t met one yet though,:rofl::joy:

Surely not :joy::clown_face:
Now running for the hills :joy:

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Are you trying to fatten me up :grinning:

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I just hope your son’s future wife doesn’t turn out to be that better baker, otherwise there’s going to be hell to play and a nose badly out of joint! :rofl::crazy_face::cake::cupcake::moon_cake:

Bake off :joy::clown_face:


I actually pray for that to happen, his last girlfriend was only 30 she was an excellent cook, much better than I was at that age…I am the Queen Of Sponges I’ve been told, :sweat_smile::rofl::joy:…I’ve yet to be beaten…I made a sponge for my son on his leaving the business ,for his colleagues, he said it went in minutes…his poor boss arrived late and never got a piece,:open_mouth::rofl::joy:

Well my car needs a wash :joy:


You are great fun,Chilli,:rofl::joy::heartpulse:

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Pauline, I am pleased to see that you wouldn’t really do that to your son’s girlfriend/partner as to me that would be evil. You don’t want to become a ‘Mother in Law From Hell’! :laughing:

I am in a quiz team and l don’t care if we win or lose, l just love participating in the quizzes.
I win a lot at Scrabble but l would never be upset if l lost.
I didn’t like sport at school especially Hockey! It was usually my ankles that got hit by a hockey stick and not the ball!

Some people get really upset if they lose and they show it… and it’s not always in a good way.