It’s a matter of degree. Different for some people than others. You are a talker.
I had a complete stranger and his mother start talking to me when I came out of the dentists today, he smiled said hello, his mum mentioned covid and off we went…some people are just naturally open and very friendly…it’s really enjoyable being around people like that.
This still stands!
the last spitty standing, erm…
And I am verbose…
I talk to people at bus stops, the que in ASDA, where I work etc…I enjoy being spontaneous.
Different folks for different folks. I did a lot of electrical engineering, mostly for industrial projects. The calculations were always in writing.
Different indeed Besoeker, I never have the inclination to chat to total strangers about maths etc, I was always terrible at sums
Thanks Mt Chillboot. About four years ago I got seriously in hospital, almost terminally. so. Never really recovered verbally so I mostly use text. Still a challenge it times…
I’m sorry to read that Besoeker, it puts things into perspective if I may say so.
I talk to the wild animals, they make far more sence
Is that on LTP?