Are you a crosser or a puller..?

When removing your t shirt do you, grasp the bottom with both arms crossed and pull in one complete movement, or pull it by the neck and take it off that way?
I must admit I’ve never got the hang of pulling from the bottom, mrs, p does, and has tried to teach me the dark art of doing this, but alas, I can never do it, I get so far and then get stuck with the only possible way, to me, is to disclocate my shoulder but that isn’t advisable, instead I grasp the neck of the tee and pull, of course this ends up making the neck baggy thus, over time, ruining the garment, I wonder if there’s
some course I can go on to learn the “ bottom” method, it would save me the cost of replacing my tee shirts every few months……


I pull my tees, jumpers etc over my head from the bottom, it usually means they end up inside out, but I’ve always done this.



I guess whether it’s comfortable depends on your body shape and flexibility, but I’m a crosser too. Can be difficult if you have frozen shoulder or any upper body muscle/ligament injury.

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I’m a crosser too :grinning:

Must be a woman thing Primus
Another crossed… easy as pie

And the loo roll hangs out away from the wall too, as it goes!!

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Nope, can’t do it, I either lose my arm somewhere in the process, or get stuck halfway, btw, loo roll toward the wall….

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… Mine too Rhian! :laughing:

Crosser, and loo paper away. :+1:

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I pull from the bottom but from each side, not with my arms crossed.
I’m pretty sure that if I tried pulling from the bottom with my arms crossed I would end up breaking something or at the very least just end up in a bruised, tangled heap so I can sympathise with you @Primus1 .

Maybe from the bottom on each side like I do it takes longer clothes to manage their removal in that way, longer tee shirts being what I prefer.
It has nothing whatsoever to do with my lack of height either, I just like longer tee shirts.
No, it’s not just to hide my belly either.


I suppose it depends on who is wearing it.

It always amazes me the grace and poise mrs p does it, a graceful ballerina, but when I try it’s like an orangutan with too many arms….

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I suppose it will all depend on how tight the garment is. My Tee shirts are always on the loose side so are easy to pull up form the bottom and then slip over my head. It’s the same with my woollens, all on the loose side so easy removal.

Definitely from the bottom, what I like is that the T shirt ends up inside out ready for washing and hanging on the line. I only put the T shirt the right way round when I put it in the drawer.

That’s the nicest thing I’ve read all day…
It’s so great to read of the love and admiration you guys feel for your soulmates. It gives me hope. :slightly_smiling_face:

Crosser, and loo paper away.

Same here. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sign me up in the Crosser line… always have done it this way.

Team crosser here. And loo paper away from the wall - makes sense, because then your grubby hands don’t touch the wall, only the loo paper.

Btw, I remember trying to teach my children the arms crossed method when they were very young, but of course they couldn’t do it as the length of their arms in relation to the size of their heads made it impossible. They had to wait a few years!

aha! this explains everything :grin:

I’ve always been proud to be a crosser