Are you a crosser or a puller..?

I’ll just have to wear baggy necked tee shirts…sigh🙁

It depends what I’m wearing but I think I’m mainly a puller…especially if I’m going to wear it again as I like things hung on the hanger right side out.

I used to be a puller but tend to become a crosser. Crossing has a kind of feminine touch for me, though.


Pay more than fifty quid for your tee shirt from a reputable manufacturer and you can pull it from wherever you like and it will always keep it’s shape…

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Actually, reading the question again, I haven’t been on the pull since I passed 21 and connected with my wife. As for a crosser, I am 100% hetro :wink::grin::+1:

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Crosser with thumbs hooked in under the armpit seams. We have a metal stand on which our loo rolls reside; the end hangs to the front.

Sometimes I do take my trousers off before my top - which is kind of shaming - I don’t like to do that too often [opinion]

I’ve always been a crosser, never a puller. :upside_down_face:

I take my two arms out first so as not to get it inside out, then I pull the neck part over my head.