Are we really Overpopulated?

I feel sure people would rather not choose to be gay .
Life’s is hard enough being heterosexual without add complications .

Excellent point !:slight_smile:

Such good points here. Twink and Morti, I appreciate your honest opinions. One of the things I really hadn’t thought about is the demands of the postwar population that is sticking around much longer than previous generations. It is an interesting problem about generations like ours that remain on the planet for decades after we are no longer contributing to the planet beyond our consumerism, mostly from the health sector, and putting excessive demands on society.

OGF, I am following you, and was particularly interesting in your graph. It actually looks like good news to me. People are waiting longer to have children which means they can afford to raise and educate them, putting less pressure on the government for support. That said, I do understand the issues that come with a declining population over there.

It doesn’t take large population studies to know that there are too many people, especially in certain high density locations, and we are already feeling the impact. To allow people to suffer like the Indian community mentioned, or accept the realities of possible famines and pandemics - when we know how we can encourage people to have smaller families with education and birth control leaves me scratching my head.

I used to think that over population would cease to be a problem, as we develop, because, eventually, in my thinking, we would have mastered the art of sending lots of people off to distant planets, where they could start all over.

More lately I have changed my thinking as I cannot see how we can cover such great distances - unless we freeze people for the trip. (see sci fi films!)

What never occurred to me before, however, but does now, is that we might be seen as unwanted immigrants, when we get there!

Anyway, I don’t think that I’ll be around to see it!


No real point in worrying about any overpopulation, world war three will sort that out. There have always been wars and there always will be wars.

But there might well be fields full of shot up Robots, instead of shot up soldiers!

No, No a thousand times no bakerman…If only it were that simple…:frowning:
Your theory doesn’t explain Bi sexual, tranies and the curious…
But this deserves a thread of it’s own bakerman…

Just to visit the original topic, and just speaking for the UK, I don’t think it’s overpopulation of humans that is the major problem (although have you tried getting a doctors appointment recently?) it’s overpopulation of the motor car…

No problem getting a doctors appointment in the U.S. I have to merely call up and I get an appointment for the following day.

That’s because in the US the money meters start running the minute you ring up.
I can’t complain. It varies in the UK.
I’ve just moved house and can usually get to see a doctor on the same day.

Money meters start running when you ring up ? Wrong ! Where did you ever get such an absurd idea ? :confused:

One way to judge if your particular country is overpopulated would
be to ask the question can your country produce enough food to
feed its population?
We use this criteria when judging third world countries, so how
does uk stand using the same criteria??

The problem with that Donkeyman is we will never be able to find out. We can guess, but we have learnt to rely on foreign imports, mainly because we want plenty of choice and to eat foods out of season. Cost is also a factor, and can we actually say that any country can sustain its population without imports? Even water in some places!

It has been said that there is not enough farmland to supply all the food we need here in the UK.
However, when food is short or rationed like during the war, people grew fruit and vegetables in their gardens or allotments. This remained popular until food became cheaper and more obtainable down the supermarket.

We are returning partially to growing our own because the taste of fresh produce is far superior to imported foods, but until we accept that we should go back to eating home grown seasonal produce, we will continue to ship food halfway around the world with it being chemically treated to look fresh and taste bland.

We do actually export a lot of the foods that we produce here.
We will never know whether we can sustain our population until our backs are against the wall Donkeyman, but the British seem to have an extraordinary resilience to hardship, and I believe we could if necessary.

100% correct.

We need to reduce the planet population and stop growing economies.

Growth is only relevant to short term wealth creation to give a minority an advantage over the majority.

It can’t continue.

No one suffers…We simply learn to get by with LESS!

New houses are built with gardens just big enough to hold a wheelie bin if you are lucky .
Allotments are still IMO a good idea .
Near us there is a new housing development that has put aside a plot for allotments and it’s absolutely thriving .

There are still plenty of houses around here Muddy with gardens big enough to set aside a small patch for veg etc, although all the new properties are like you say, and either have a very small garden or are open plan with no garden at all.

Allotments are very popular here also with people preferring the taste of home grown produce. somebody has to die before you have a chance of getting one though…

I have ( I think ) still got an allotment .
Due to village politics I am not too sure at this point :frowning:
But in the twee village I live in its a sort of manicured hobby for some people .
Nevertheless I do attempt to grow stuff .
Due to the wet / dry weather it’s been a total disaster lately .
My major success is runner beans which I love .
Other veg such as parsnips were a disaster they all went weird shapes and got wormy . Easier to buy !

I suppose if we subtracted the amount of food we expport from
the amount we import it would give us an idea if we could be self
sufficient? You are right we do have the ability to grow more via
allotments and using our gardens but l think the younger generation
are loosing the physical ability to enter into past times such as this,
and consequently there is generally a lack of demand for larger
gardens or allotments, and so planning departments etc dont
cater for them anymore, there are allways local exceptions to this
though of course! However l am convinced the planet as a whole
reached the limits of its capacity to provide a meaningful existence
to the majority of its inhabitants? The only way to improve things
imo is if what we have at the moment is shared more equitably?

I am amazed at how this thread has several times attempted to
morph into other forms or subjects, but so far has wandered back
Vaguely to the original, which was is the world overpopulated?
I think we have found the answer that, yes, the world is
overpopulated!. Because for more than 70% of the population will
not possibly be able to attain and sustain the standards that the
other 30% of the population have achieved allready! And are
condemned to living under their present conditions for ever, for the
simple reason that the planet will not allow it?

I sometimes wonder if religion is the answer we are looking for to save the human race from oblivion.

I don’t know much about Mormons, Hamish, Plymouth Brethren or Jehovas Witnesses but I believe they don’t watch TV or listen to radio, all work to a common interest, and grow most of their own food and are practically cut off from the rest of civilisation. A sort of world within a world…

The children are all God fearing and respect their parents, and are not corrupted by films and computer games while they are still young. Offspring are not born out of wedlock, and it would appear that just enough children are born to sustain their present number. Gender realignment and homosexuallity are looked upon unfavourably and lives don’t revolve around possessions.

I dare say there will be an avalanche of dissenting posts, but that life seems to suit those people, and friendship and love permeates through their communities and that can’t be all bad can it? And being cut off from the rest of the world means you don’t miss what you’ve never had…Discipline is only discipline until it forms into a way of life, and then it becomes natural…Sadly lacking in the youth of today, not all, but some, and especially since the internet gives them a voice. A voice that none of us had at their age.

The world is only overpopulated where humans congregate Donkeyman, Cities and towns. There are still huge amounts of space if you know where to look…:wink: