Are we really Overpopulated?

Exactly OGF, thats why l said ‘’ if those graphs hold good for the
third world ‘’? l think you misunderstood me, sorry?
That was exactly my point.

I thought gays were compelled to be gay by their brain Twink, and
dont actually choose to be gay! Not as you have just stated become
gay by personel choice? I think the rest of your argument is also

The planet is definitely overpopulated… that’s one of the reasons I never had kids. (Aside from lacking any maternal instinct.)

Too many of us.
Too many older people knocking around because medicine has extended the average lifespan, allowing people to live on with debilitating conditions , but quality of life for older people is probably poorer than it has ever been. I’m not talking material comfort and money here, I’m talking how the spirit slowly dies because the body is knackered.

Too many of us.
Never mind cities, look at any small semi-rural village … all you see now is miles of new laid concrete and new housing estates. They’re throwing them up around where I live. Who can afford them is another matter. … and another social problem. A housing problem.

Too many of us.
That’s why the race is on to come up with sustainable and renewable fuels now Man(and WoMan too :lol:) have nearly exhausted the fossil fuels that took millennia to form.
Either it’s running out or the planet-huggers have decreed its it bad for us and the planet and to stop using it, though it’s running out anyway.
Something has to fuel all our cars, houses, factories and conveniences of modern life.

Too many of us.
That’s also why recyclable rubbish has become big business … I tried to find out on google what percentage of the planet is marred with landfill sites.
We knock up 1.3 billion tons of landfill waste annually … 10 times more than a century ago.
Mankind is like a boil or a blister on the planet waiting to burst.

Too many of us.
Apparently birth rates are falling around the world … remember the ‘good old days’ of families with 12 kids? When half of the little nippers died young through malnutrition or childhood ailments.
Isn’t it currently running now at 1.7 ?

Since the days of newly liberated gays, and the whole LGBT movement ( I always feel heteroes are unfairly left out of that neat little acronym) … it seems that bi-bisexualism is on the increase even if straightforward gays or lesbianism isn’t … and gender reassignment also seems to be more commonplace.

I, personally don’t think same-sex couples make ideal parents.
There is more to raising children than the ability to nurture and love them and provide a financially stable home … which I’m sure gays or lesbians are more than capable of doing.
What they can’t do is provide the role models of masculinity and femininity. Of Yin and Yang …or opposites that complement to produce a balanced complete whole. The family unit.
Once this yen for making people genderless catches on and men and women as such are outdated terms there’ll be no need for mum, dad, or even brother and sister.That does seem to be the way the world is going.

I pity kids thesedays with all this confusion over gender identity ( which started out with mere sexual identity but has now gone bananas) … with the world running dry of it’s resources, and space … space blighted with landfill and houses, more houses …
but … on the otherhand …
until it runs out they’re having a whale of a time with mobile phones, multiple holidays abroad each year and enjoying all the perks and luxury that planet pollution has given them, which Greta whats-her-name Thunderthighs and her ilk blame on our generation.

No … it doesn’t mean you’re homophobic at all.
Someone would probably tell you instead that you’re sexually repressed.
I said pretty much what you said on another forum years ago, only to be told many heterosexuals enjoy a bit of the bum stuff.
Never fancied it myself.

Not for me either… I can’t help thinking about pooh coming out of there, yuk, no ta I’ll stick to the way I like it, sexually repressed? Lol I’m quite satisfied with my sex life, that made me chuckle

I can remember Stephen Fry relating, in a TV interview, that in a meeting with Robert Mugabe (? not sure if this is the right person but it was certainly an East African leader) Mugabe said he had banned homosexuals in his country because of their desire for anal sex. Fry replied that that premise was false and more heterosexual couples indulged in it than did gay couples.

A person is not born gay Twink, in the same way that they are not born vegetarian and vegan, it’s something that has to be acquired, usually from parents, teachers, peer pressure or the media (especially the media) We are very impressionable when we are young, things learnt in the early years last a lifetime and unfortunately in this day and age it is almost impossible to filter all the information that our children are absorbing from social media sites and the rest of the internet. Not to mention the stuff that the BBC chuck out on a daily basis. We have normalised being gay, and from what once was small minority has expanded to the proportions that we see today… Not by choice Twink, but by suggestion…The power of advertising Aye…:wink: I didn’t even know what homosexuallity was when I was a lad…And why should I have done?..:069:

OldGreyFox, I must respectfully disagree with you. There are no indications that the gay population is increasing. What you see are men who have come out of the closet and are being open about it. But they were always gay, merely hiding it. It is certainly true that gay men do tend to congregate together just the same as other groups do.

I believe that gays are born that way in the same way that heterosexual men are born that way. Some time ago I read an article which discussed the hormones that women produce during pregnancy. The main thrust of the article was that certain hormones are turned on or off at specific times during pregnancy. If there is a slight change in the timing of that cycle, that will alter the brain chemistry of the growing fetus. All growing fetuses are, in the very beginning of the pregnancy, FEMALE. That is why you and I and all men have nipples. It is only the release of specific hormones at specific times which cause us to be heterosexual.
As far as I can tell, the percentage of the population which is gay has not changed. It remains 7-8 % of the population

I agree that social media, TV and advertising influence them, we have all been influenced to change when young. I can remember our generation wanting to ban the bomb & stop all wars ; but now we are all listening to the young & accepting what they say and do… so social media will change the way we live.
You and I may not like these changes, but we won’t stop them, now anybody with a new idea can talk to the world via PC, & I am sure that many of the changes it creates will become a way of life.
Remember " Big brother is watching you", well I can already see that things are changing & one day it will happen. I am just glad that I am unlikely to still be here when it does.

Perhaps climate change will happen first and totally destroy all life in earth?:shock:

Really, then I would love to hear why you think some are bi-sexual and enjoy both men & women. Isn’t it a bit naive to accept the excuse governments used, when they were pressured to make homosexuality legal?
What about those who abuse children, even when they are the parent of the child…and many are? Will we have to say that they have a mental problem, or should we acknowledge that they are just perverts who enjoy sex with children & they do it because they like to?:shock:

I tend to favour your view BM but surely there must be exceptions
to the rule in certain circumstances?

How would he know?

OGF, what I picked up from this and from you (so correct me if I am wrong) is that dire dystopian pictures of overpopulation leading to mass famines and pandemics are unlikely. More, the limiting factors that we worry about can be overcome with technology.

However, this podcaster is talking about nothing more than the quality of life of people in developed countries, and that popular campaigns to curb behavior like having more than two children, meat eating, or driving one’s car unimpeded aren’t causal to a future that might not be that bad. In reality, his primary concern about whether or not he can have a steak, whether or not there will be revolutions in the streets, and mostly whether or not his DNA is passed on. I too think that the dire pictures for most of us have been exaggerated, but this guy is missing the point.

This change in model outcomes does not address issues of the impoverished, people living in high population densities, ecosystems, geographical places that matter, and wildlife that are already occurring. I was reading an article just last night about an Indian village that is on the verge of collapse and famine due to years of unimpeded offshore trawling for fish to be sent to China. The Chinese aren’t there because India has a very special delicacy. It’s because they have a massive number of mouths to feed - and that fish is free.

I challenge anyone here to convince me that their roads aren’t as congested, their shorelines are less filled with plastic, or that we have more old growth forests and rainforests than we once had.

If it isn’t the increase in population that is causing such headaches (and holy cow, those problems are pathetic by comparison), then what else can the negative effects we are seeing? Do any of us really think that the problems we have now will improve? If it’s not population, then could it be… consumerism? Yikes, now there is a can of worms. Do we really want to stop lifting people out of poverty to save polar bears or do we want to encourage them to have smaller families by making birth control easier to get?

Or do we just say the heck with it and not worry until if/then there is a crisis? I don’t know about most people, but I was raised and still lean towards being conservative and preparing for that rainy day.

With our lives of privilege, we have the responsibility of stewardship of everyone and everything that is without power. We can’t turn a blind eye to it. Something is causing the mess - and yes, it is a growing mess.

I was once a (boring) statistician, and I know that it is unwise to lean to hard on any study especially when it comes to causality. It is ill-advised to dust off our hands either way when it comes to human population.

I concede to your interesting knowledge bakerman, I can only speak about the area and community where I grew up, and still live. In truth, I don’t think we can make a comparison between the gay population of thirty years ago with that of today, it just seems like there are more gay people, whether that is a result of it being legal now, the extraordinary media attention or as you say, more gays have ‘Come Out’ but I still think that a large percentage of gay people these days are because they have a choice now and didn’t before. And perhaps it’s a wee bit fashionable for some…

Most gay people don’t have gay parents .
You didn’t know because it wasn’t much talked about .
There have been gay people throughout history it’s not new.

Oh My!..So much to say, and so little time…:069:

I always keep an open mind on these things Surfermom and cherry pick the points I like…
As with all these theories, one size does not fit all and if the solution to all the world’s problems were that simple I’m sure someone would have already thought about it…In the UK it has been said that due to medical advances people are living longer and that explains the rise in the population of older people. I don’t believe that is strictly true. As I have described earlier, birthrates were higher in the Forties, fifties and sixties than at any other time, and this was mainly due to the massive loss of blokes during world war two. People were encouraged and actually subsidised to have large families to replace the loss of workers.

London Transport would not have survived without migrant workers, such was the shortage. Those hundreds and thousands of babies are now all retired and creating a problem, but since then the birthrates have dropped considerably and when this generation finally shuffles of the old mortal coil the balance will return to normal, or even come up short…

Obviously creating cities and large towns where people are living in close proximity there will be serious problems. There have been examples in the past ‘The Great Fire of London’ and other cities throughout history that had been destroyed by fire… ‘The Plague’ was another example of an overcrowded population with poor sanitation. So no! I’m not dismissing pandemics and famine as future problems, quite the opposite, but the new problems will be more complex than those in the past.

Unfortunately when the food or water runs out so does the local community, and the Indian village will either adapt or disappear just like the American Indians after the Buffalo was hunted almost to extinction by the ‘White Man’…We don’t always control our destiny Surfermom, and sometimes our interference solves one problem but makes five others.

How do we know Muddy if it wasn’t talked about.
But let’s not confuse being gay with an enjoyment of sexual gratification…

Some people are less fussy about how they achieve an orgasm, are they gay too?

What has this got to do with over population ?

I don’t know Muddy, I’m just rambling again…:confused:

I doubt that ‘choice’ has anything to do with it. Think about it. Why would any heterosexual man ‘choose’ to be gay. It’s all about what ‘turns us on sexually’. Both you and I have seen certain sexy women and we think to ourselves, “Oh, my God. She is fantastic”. Have we ever had that same heart racing experience when looking at a young man ? No ! Of course not. Well, gay men have that kind of feeling when seeing some man who turns them on.