Are we really Overpopulated?

Yes but you can’t live there .
Ie in the dry middle of Australia .
In pest ridden sub Saharan Africa .

In the U.K. everyone would jump up and down if we built a refugee camp in the dales or on Dartmoor.

Poor people can’t live out in the wilds ( certainly in the U.K.) you need a car .
Country properties are exorbitant and there is little or no work.

So adapt or die Muddy…:cool:
After all…We can put a man on the moon…:smiley:

Those vast empty areas are empty for a reason OGF, The main one
being the land is not arable or is desertified, ( is there such a word?)
Or consists of mountainous territory with the problems that brings!
So allthough on a map the world looks empty it in fact it is not
habitable on any large scale, especially by humans?
This is mainly why imo, the forests are being decimated to create
more farming land and search for minerals etc?
You can see the way humans modify their landscape if you look at
your yorkshire dales and moors, where allthough it is very pretty
and even beautiful , it used to be much different before farmers
got busy and cleared most of the forests for pastures and created
the neat and clean looking landscapes we see now!
The forests must have been there once or you would not have had
such a successful coal mining industry in the area?

But can we put 10 million on there OGF??


Foxy, both you and I have overcome terrible health problems by making some changes to our lives and I know it wasn’t easy…but we were just 2 individuals.
How will we cope if climate conditions reduce our ability to grow food and the population continues to increase?
If people of the world are unable to grow food they will move to places where food is being grown.
If those who are able to feed themselves don’t have enough to share, the hungry will try to steal & become violent… we would all kill to save our own loved ones!
Those who have enough money may try to go to the moon, but there is no guarantee they will succeed.

I think we need to accept that humans may become extinct, at least on earth, and it will be politicians & scientists who have the best chance of making any escape.
It may not happen in our time, but I don’t wear rose coloured glasses and am aware that even dinosaurs probably thought they were invincible and their species would go on forever.

Perhaps nature has decided that a completely new life form is now needed on earth!:102:

With around 71% of the earth’s surface covered by oceans we have the technology to live below the sea which would free up lots of growing land for food production. We could even grow things below the sea.
Islands can, and have been constructed in places that were once was covered by water, perhaps waste plastic could be used for foundations. Sealed of course.
Oil platform type villages could be created to build communities that are self contained. Human ingenuity is boundless…

We are nothing special Twink, I believe that most humans have the ability to overcome the impossible, or die trying!
I don’t ever see the moon being populated, it’s a far too hostile place to build a thriving community, I was referring to the technology that got us there, If you can think it, it can become possible.

I hear all you say OGF and its very appealing! But l am sure you must
be talking tongue in cheek as l am sure you know that the logistics
of all that you propose are against us? The new births of humans
is far in excess of our capacity to launch them into space, so if we
cant reduce the birth rate we will eventually have to find other
methods of controlling our numbers?
It does’nt bear thinking about, but it must be thought about, and the
sooner the better!

What, you mean like introducing a virus into the world Donkeyman…Wait a minute…:shock:

You think somebody is thinking ahead allready OGF?

We have all got to get sterilised! OOps, ljust posted that on another
thread, sorry!

The population explosion in South Yorkshire…

About the same scene here in the rural wilds of Cambridgeshire / Norfolk, OGF. Other than around the larger towns, I can drive for miles and miles without seeing hardly any signs of population whatsoever.

For anyone who likes statistics and figures and has time to wade through them the website below may make interesting reading. It’s very much based on population statistics showing in all countries present, forecast and historical information on, for instance, total population, people per sq. km., birth rates, numbers of migrants, etc. Well worth bookmarking for future reference if nothing else I reckon.

I have yet to check it all out but the first link below shows the UK specifically, the second one is the main link from where you can check this information about all countries in the world:

Thanks Baz, that’s a good find and very interesting.
I’ve had a look at the past UK stats and will look more closely later, but I am always dubious about forecasts into the future. The reasons for overpopulation in different countries varies, but just looking at the UK, the future might look totally different to the future we all envisage.

Looking at future birthrates, as we have discussed earlier, we find that more women are choosing career choices and the good life as opposed to rearing kids. More and more people of the same sex are residing together, and although some will foster children, most will not.
And as more work is farmed out to foreign countries the UK will look less attractive for raising families and earning a good living, and more people will leave for better prospects. Australia has always looked good for enterprising young Brits, and Spain for the wealthy retired ones.

With such a large influx of migrants over the years the UK could become a third world country as large industry and the wealthy move to where labour and materials are cheaper than here.
We have already lost most of our manufacturing to foreign competition, and what remains is mostly foreign owned.

You have opened up a whole new avenue of thought for me with
that post OGF, it sounds like a very likely outcome for the uk lm
sorry to say, brexit or no brexit? I also will be perusing the two
links that Baz so kindly posted earlier!

What a sad prospect .

Every animal on this planet needs a specific area of territory to
provided for its needs, this is normally adjusted automatically
by the natural processes of nature such as starvation, disease,
and competition from other species etc!
Unfotunately, being so ’ clever’ us humans have claimed most of
the productive places for ourselves and this has completely
buggered the natural automatic prcesses with the results we are
beginning to see and feel at this moment!
So yes the humans are over populated, but the wild animals are
greatly underpopulated?
If you take into account the proliferation of ’ needs ’ we have
accumulated over time the effects we have on the natural way is
out of ptoportion to the benefits we contribute to the system?

Fortunately Donkeyman territories overlap…Small furry rodents and insects are not on a human diet so most animals don’t need to worry…

No living thing ever ‘Contributes’ to the planet Donkeyman, but completes a cycle through death and gets recycled. It’s waste products provide nutrients and food for growing stuff which is then either eaten by something else or takes in carbon dioxide and produces oxygen. Just one big circle…Any imbalances will be evened out by nature. Things die in hard times (even humans) and flourish in good times.

Glad to see you agree with my last post OGF!
Thats what l mean by contributing to the planet, l suppose l should
have said replace instead?
I often say that the only time the rich ever give anything away is
when they peg off?

Are you a believer in “Matter can neither be created nor destroyed” OGF?
