Are we part of a global chess game?

Are we part of a global chess game where we are the pawns?
The pawns can be moved by the media…
The rooks, bishops and nights would be controlled by governments…
But who moves the kings and queens…?

Think we’ve reached stalemate at the moment.

Big business, surely you are old enough to know that money rules.
How is it that the likes of Amazon, Google, Facebook etc can get away with paying so little tax worldwide?

Very far from it Octogen…The take over of the pawns is only just beginning.

Money will be worthless soon Mr Fraggle, starting with cash.

Just who do you class as pawns O.G.F.?

Do you not understand why? Obviously not. Take Amazon. That business pays every penny of tax due based on where the transactions take place. In addition Amazon is NOT a single entity. It is also a marketplace where any unrelated company can sell goods and services THROUGH Amazon and each of those businesses pay tax where they are based.

Really ??? Up to last year Amazon had sales income of €44 billion in Europe in 2020 but paid no corporation tax

The Lizards?

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More like David Icke :wink:

“Money” is worthless now. Check out “Fiat Currency”. The $US is one currency that is most awfully exposed and is ONLY holding its ground because it remains the hard currency of choice (but not for much longer —). Apart from playing silly buggers on the Forex I avoid currency and stick to real things like metals or predictable futures.

But there was no need to. The base of Amazon is not in a place that imposes corporation tax.

You pay corporation tax on profit not turnover. It depends how Amazon redistributed and reinvested its profits over that fiscal year. If it invested or redistributed its profits 100% then it would pay zero corporation tax. It also depends on what portion of the turnover is attributable to profit as well.

The thread is complete an apologist for Amazon and one assumes the other major tax avoiders has arrived.

The world’s wealthiest dynasties. Here’s a video of some of the wealthiest. But even of these, there are exclusive meetings of people who do most of the decision making for the world.

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Amazon is not a tax avoider.

The Bilderbergs.

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Amazon is a tax avoider. Amazon is not a tax evader. Tax avoidance is legal; tax evasion is not.

Tax as a means of redistribution of earnings is theft.

Nowt wrong with Amazon or their business model.