Are people kind to you?

Do you find as you get older people are kinder to you or the opposite ?


Usually people are kind to me and Iā€™m kind backā€¦its always a shock to me if people are meanā€¦

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Do you think people look on old people with kindness generally ?

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I think we become less relevantā€¦thats how I feel anyway as if my views are less important now than they once wereā€¦but folks are kind to meā€¦generallyā€¦they probably think poor old thing ā€¦bewildered :slight_smile:


Cant say that where I reside.
People are people here and age is only apparent when you cannot get about so easilyā€¦That is when sadly you do stand out. That is also when people go out of there way to assit.
I saw just the other day a Female cash till operator come away from her till, around to where this Female was unloading her shopping ā€¦the large item the Cashier lifted up and scanned it with the long scanner that is available also. and then place it back in her trolleyā€¦smiles all around.
Hasten to addā€¦on the roads though itā€™s not the sameā€¦something happens to these polite people and they became more related to Stirlingā€¦

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I think people in general are kind. I try to be kind to others and vice versa. Because Iā€™m older?


Of my age group, yes, but some of todayā€™s youngsters can be disrespectful and violent when the hard-of-hearing or sight impaired do not instantly move out of their way :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Iā€™ll be honest Iā€™ve not really noticed any difference as Iā€™ve got older.
I donā€™t feel that I am old. I still feel the same as I did when younger. I treat people as I expect to be treated.
I think a lot depends on where you live too. Smaller communities where most people know each other I find are better.


Yes, living in a sea resort town does have its detractions. Many of the locals do exhibit great respect, but some of the holidaying influx do leave a lot to be desired. My home is well away from the town centre and the sea front, but venturing into town is completely different to my location. Then thereā€™s the language, NO, I had better leave that subject alone or I could end up being removed from OFF.


I went to school in West Sussex tThey spoke English there then - weā€™ll sort of :slight_smile:

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I donā€™t really go anywhere where people might be inclined to be unpleasant.
Just local people I meet in shops, or down the park, or dog walking etc nearly always call out Good Morning, or maybe smile as they pass, so Iā€™m content enough with that.
They usually hold doors open etc, but they always have done - mostly.

People of any age (even the school kids) get things down from the top shelves for me in supermarkets, and always say ā€˜Youā€™re welcomeā€™ when I thnk them.

I think a lot of the time it is how you treat others, that gets the response you deserve.

Some car drivers are pigs on the roads though, cutting in and out of traffic, speeding, not signalling on roundabouts or when they intend to turn off or change lane, but I doubt that is because I am older, they are just ignorant gits who donā€™t care about anyoneā€™s safety.

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Iā€™m the same. I have never intentionally hurt anyone. I usually get the same in return, however there occasionally people who are just negative. I simply remove those people from my very small circle of friends. Iā€™ve got hundreds of acquaintances, but I can count my true friends on one hand.
Besides I am a firm believer in Karma.

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People call me Sir. Offer me a seat, I show gratitude but usually donā€™t accept.

Generally, I think the younger generations show us oldies the respect we deserve, it has to work both ways. Trouble is too many of them are on a different planet, plugged in, switched off.

Re drivers: I think Londoners are the best in the world, they donā€™t hang about but they donā€™t do one-upmanship. Thereā€™s an understanding that keeps things moving.

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Same here but Iā€™m not sure I like it because it shows my age :frowning_face: :lol:

Iā€™m a firm believer in ā€œdo unto others as you would be done byā€.

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We could do with many of those in my area. Roundabouts are terrible when there is a queue waiting to join the main flow. I will always create my own opening in the oncoming traffic and slot in, but many wont and that is somewhat irksome.

I believe people in general like to be helpful.
As you age you pose less of a threat enabling people to feel confident to offer help or kindness.

It always gives me a bit of a jolt when I realise people are being kind to me because of my age

Giving up seats, letting me get on the train first, mansplaining IT, carrying thingsā€¦

Itā€™s very good of them and I do appreciate it but a bit disappointing that I obviously look as if I need it!

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I know the feeling :slight_smile:

I think itā€™s when people start sporting an inane smile, call me ā€˜Dearieā€™, pat me on the head and speak louder, l will feel old.

Up to now, everything is as normal.

No one has called me dearie yet and better not if they value their lives :slight_smile: