Anyone else had the sun scorching plants during this heatwsave?Scorch?

Anyone else had the sun scorching plants during this heatwsave?

I’ve had it badly burn one of my new ‘Pinks’ and it has scorched one of my Azaleas too.
Now I see it has burnt some bedding Verbena, along with some leaves on a young Peony too! Never had this happen before.

It’s not because I am watering the leaves either, because I know that’s asking for trouble.

Anyone else noticed any of theirs scorched this year?

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Not so much my plants but my grass has died

Yes, have had a couple of things burnt by the sun. I have been watering at night at around 9.30 and avoiding the leaves but I think the water is evaporating too fast. I sometimes have to water my beans during the day too as they start to wilt. the Acers are the main problem for me.

Yes, those Acer leaves do scorch don’t they. They don’t like full sun for long do they.
What a shame after all our TLC, isn’t it. :frowning:

Yes LQ, mine looks pretty grim too. :frowning:

The leaves always look so nice when they re-grow in the spring but they do hate the sun, even when it’s not particularly hot like most years.

My Acer and also New Guinea Impatiens have taken a (sun) beating this year.

What I’ve been doing to try to minimise the damage is…last year I bought a cheapo garden parasol (not one of those massive heavy ones!) and I’ve been moving it round the garden to shade the vulnerable plants from the worst of the sun.

It’s also handy to move around so I can work under it and not get sunburned myself.

My beautiful hosta is totally scorched. It’s the only one that’s suffering. My acer which took a severe battering from the wind a year or so ago seems to like this weather and is thriving

Roses are suffering, bedding plants in the borders have all died, I am saving the water for the greenhouse stuff, beans and courgettes. The potted dahlias get watered in the morning, it’s difficult deciding which you have to let die

I’ve lost lots of plants mainly conifers. I moved them here from my old place and don’t think they’d put down new roots in time before this heat started.
Roses are doing well so are the hydrangea (strangely) but they’re sheltered after first thing in the morning.

My sister who lives about a mile up hill from me had her patio doors shatter with the heat (karma)! One of the selling points when she bought her house was that the garden was the hottest in Britain.
It has views right across Cheddar and beyond.

I have been away for a week as has my neighbour and have returned to find a desert :shock:

My lovely hydrangea has scorched leaves, most of the flowers have dropped off my runner beans and they are covered in aphids , my newly planted and nurtured strawberry plants in tubs were virtually dead and the fruits overripe and ruined, the raspberries have fruited and the fruit is over ripe and inedible :frowning:

Worst of all the bucket of flowers with pinks and campanula that my grandchildren bought me for mothering sunday 2 years ago is all but dead in spite of my leaving it in a bowl of wet gravel. I have cut it back/fed it and hope I can get it back.
I am a northern girl and don’t like this intense heat.

It’s so sad to see this damage being done after all our hard work and nuturing of all these plants.
I didn’t know whether to throw some sheets of fleece over some to protect them.

Do you think that would shield them from the hottest sun, or make it worse?

We don’t appear to be getting any rain all next week either.

Mups :slight_smile: it may be worth a try to rig up dust sheet on some canes. I have cut my losses with some plants (a herbaceous geranium, delphiniums and canterbury bells ) and cut them to the ground. Better no foliage than dead.

Trouble is Meg, don’t know about you, but it’s too darned hot for me to stay outside and do much work, and in the evenings I get bitten to death by insects outside.

I wish we could have it slightly cooler, and a few nights of good rain fall.

I think we have a few days slight reprieve before it turns hot again, so perhaps try to rig something up then.

Sorry about your garden, what a damn shame to lose your stuff like that.

I don’t wish to boast, but my Acers are thriving and I haven’t watered them once! Mind you, they are planted close the the hidden well that is in my garden!:lol:

Console yourself with the fact we are all in it together,long may it continue,it’ll rain soon enough and not stop more as like.

Yes, you’re right I suppose, but I don’t like seeing things I’ve been looking after get burnt or die. :frowning:

You and me both…so many hours spent nurturing plants in the garden and the cost…all gone…sad really.

Yes, that’s how I feel too Rehab. :frowning:

Thanks Mups :slight_smile:
I have been going out in the evening and the early morning and seem to have escaped the mozzies. I think it has been too hot and dry even for them to come out. They like a bit of moisture.
My Hydrangea is looking better, I thought it had gone :surprised: