Anyone done Metal Detecting or Mudlarking

Id love to find something like this , the best ive ever found are bits of pottery and Clay pipes


Yes, my ex husband and I did metal detecting when we were younger, I absolutely loved it, we found some old coins round a tree once, not worth anything though.

Metal detector is in my loft…:+1::+1:not the same one.

What’s mud larking?

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Ive recently found out about Mudlarking Pauline , its people serching the mud banks of River Thames and other waterways . I follow a couple of Mudlarkers on Youtube , They can keep what they find , and some finds go on Etsy … A Licence is needed though .

Mudlarking goes back to the 1800s .

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Wow!!..sounds really interesting,Eliza, I must look it up…you brought back memories of when my ex and I went metal detecting…I used to get so excited when the buzzer went off…did you say that you went metal detecting?..yes I see you did…can you imagine finding real treasure.?

not used a metal detector , i use to walk the fields after they had been ploughed to find what was on the surface . only found broken clay pipes , the mudlarkers find complete pipes , roman coins and pottery ,

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@Eliza if you are on facebook there is a

Field Walking Finds group, where they share and help people identify their finds.

not on facebook Maverick but im on instagram, i shall have look there , I think i may have thrown away some Roman . Saxon or medeval pottery over the years due to my Ignorance .
Ive started watching Time Team again on YT and now if i find anything I will hang on to it .

I had a metal detector back in the 70’s. & got it to use on local beaches among the sand dunes & hoped to find lost money, watches etc where people got changed & spent the day. I found a few bits & pieces, including a reasonably valuable ring & a rather nice necklace at different times.

I lived in a village that a Roman road went through & we all had Roman coins found in gardens etc. And Snettisham where they have found lots of Iron Age gold torcs etc was just 5 miles away.

In the building trade I found all sorts of things when digging foundations, drains etc. We even found the skull of a young girl. They told us she lived X hundred years ago, died aged 15, that she had given birth & that her diet was poor.

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No metal detecting, but I do quite a bit of forum larking. It does throw up the odd reward now and then, but by far the most common thing I come across is flags. :102:


you are a laugh, always brightening the day with your posts .

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That Snettisham find is amazing , as bright as the day it was made , It must be a nightmare when Bones are found for builders cause of the delay it causes .

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These are some of the things I have found field walking


i like that little jar Mav , do you know what it was used for …

I think it was an ink pot, there is a faint finger print in the glaze, I imagine it must have been the potter.

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Electronics is my hobby Eliza, and last year I built my own metal detector MK3…It was well documented on the forum. I haven’t been out with it yet, I think the design and building was the exciting bit for me. I had built two others in the past hence MK3…Each one was better than the last, but this latest model is by far and away the best yet.


let us know what you find with it Fox,Photos please .

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I have met a few people in the bush with their metal detectors. It is amazing to hear that they can be set to only find certain metals, the people I met were looking for gold nuggets. None of them had found enough to cover the cost of their equipment but they seemed to enjoy their hobby and camping off grid appeals to me as well.

Personally I am enough of a hoarder as it is without cluttering up my home with a load of old junk I pick up on my walks.


I have never done metal detecting but it must be very exciting when the bleeper goes off and there might be a treasure buried there… but then it must be disappointing after the initial excitement, to just find an old fork!

I would love to try a metal detector in my garden. I did find some Felco secateurs in the garden once buried under the soil. I was thrilled as they are brilliant!
They did have to spend many weeks soaking in a bowl of oil as they were fixed solid.


From the Youtubes ive watched Art,the mudlarkers get excited about any small find , Buttons come high on the list and after cleaning them off and finding writing on they then can look up the History ,
And one Video I watched last night a Roman Vase was dug up , Imagine finding that . not found buy a metal detector though but just scraping around in the mud .

I think maybe there are two kinds of people that go after finds , one who is into the History and the other the Value …

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Even finding an old fork is exciting Arty, and at least it shows that your equipment is working. I get the same feeling of excitement when I find a hidden trig point…