Anne Widdecombe says don't make cheese sandwiches if you can't afford the ingredients

Wouldn’t want to be cycling down a footpath near her.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: You’re right there!

Blooming cyclists on footpaths !

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2007 - 2010 Annie…Why’s that?

A lot of the hate for Anne Widdecombe is because she is a christian and has strong christian values. Rees-Mogg and Lawrence Fox, Donald Trump share similar views.

They are hated by the “inclusive”, “tolerant” and “be kind” left, not just because of these christian values, but more importantly they hold conservative christian values. I remember Calvin Robinson getting the same level of hate, as a conservative christian from the left.

They forget though that most catholics, protestants, methodists, baptists etc, (including people like Blair) share these same christian values … as does Justin Welby, but because they are socialists they go untouched by the mob.

It shows how the so called, diversity and inclusive left are the biggest bunch of hypocrites and they are are everything they accuse people like Anne Widdecombe, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Calvin Robinson of.


But, can these folks “Turn the other Cheek”?

Yes and they usually do.

It was David Cameron who legalised same-sex marriage in 2014. Another Christian.

The people piling on with the hate for AW need to realise that we don’t have dictators or authoritarians in UK governments or parliament. Our political leaders and prime parties are elected on a manifesto and that manifesto is clear to the voters before an election. Should a prime minister want to make their personal beliefs law which is not reflected in the manifesto that has been voted on, it requires an act of parliament and a vote in order to make it law. The people decide through their elected representatives.

If the left are so outraged by what Widdecombe says about gay marriage etc, go and take it up with the muslim community, especially the Islamic muslims, I’m sure they would enjoy the debate as much as christians do. Except the left never do, instead they pick on conservative christians because they know conservatives don’t pile on like an angry mob like the muslims and islamic muslims do.

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I don’t think brexit was responsible for the furlough scheme where the government gave away billions of pounds during the covid pandemic Annie…
And I don’t think brexit made us send billions of pounds of money and equipment to Ukraine to help them fight a war that nobody is going to win…Except the people who are making a lot of money by perpetuating the war and providing the hardware.
And I don’t think brexit was responsible for chasing net zero, in fact we should have been free of all of the red tape and laws that we had to abide by as a member. But we are not free of those laws are we? Because we haven’t really left.
And brexit hasn’t helped to stem the migration situation, both legal and illegal, which was part of why many of us voted for brexit. The bottom line is: This government, and preceding ones have squandered our money.
So if this country is in this mess due to brexit, it’s because we haven’t had brexit yet and are being taught a lesson by all the powerful people who really run this country and are EU puppets. They have too much to lose.
It wasn’t Liz Truss either, she was the fall guy and replaced by somebody that nobody voted for, not even his own party. And while we squabble over a fictitious brexit we are quietly being shafted by the establishment and don’t even realise it.

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Remember when conservative MP Lee Anderson was hated by the left for saying he could buy a breakfast for 30p ?

Then Jamie Oliver, the left wing chef, came up with 3 meals for £1 and was hailed a hero by the same people.

Just goes to show - it’s never about the poor people its only about politics.


putting 400 billion of free money into the economy has nothing to do with it LOL. The same people blame this on Covid where anyone with an ounce of common sense knows it was due to the policy of lockdowns.


True Bread. I think people are blinkered about brexit and blame it on all their ills, when in reality they turn a blind eye to what is really happening in this country.

It’s she the same type of Christian that most Americans don’t think is Christian like Trump?

Most Americans don’t think Trump is Christian.

Trump has been said to mock Christian supporters.

Most Americans don’t think Trump is a christian ? Your posting links from sources nobody has ever heard of.

Are you for real ?

A lot of the cost of living crisis is due to high taxation - the highest in over 70 years in fact. High tax is a socialist principle but the obvious failure we see in front of us is being ignored by the socialists.

Conservatism would be to cut taxes but the left don’t want that either… weird isn’t it. All they do is complain about cheese sandwiches.


How easily we accept the words of badly done to individuals and the MSM.
The MSM tell people what they think they want to hear, when instead, It’s what they want you to believe. You can fool some of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time…

lol are you the nobody you’re referring to?

I was referring to your links from the Pew Research Center and The Atlantic. I bet they are some of those “non-partisan think-tanks that give only FACTS and TRUTH” etc … right ?


Ah yes…‘Fact Checkers’…Who checks those though?

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Another thing is net-zero another socialist agenda from the WEF thats making people miserable, cold and poor. A success for the WEF and the socialists but for the rest of us a complete disaster.


We just need a good solid dose of Socialism, funded by the Capitalism!!! :icon_wink: