Yep. Damned for doing the right thing.
tell me about bus fines and cutting through where I shouldn’t had
2 weeks 15 fines
Aye. But we’re of that age group now in which rushing around doesn’t seem quite so important as maybe it once did, eh?
How is that even possible???
I’ve always said this mind, now my brothers would like to see 100 mph, mind there cars are high powered toys…and they’re older than me
How is that even possible???
You sound like Mrs M now
Several different places mind
I recall hitting about 105 once on the M6 years ago in our Mondeo. Just didn’t like it one little bit.
Even so!! That’s a lot of fines!!
I been passenger with friends high powered cars and showing off, I tell to slow down… speed does nothing for me. When I was a teenager I did drive like an idiot, old bangers and me showing off… how I didn’t kill my self I don’t, even though I was frightened I had to show off…
Honestly, when I’m on a train travelling at around 100, it freaks me out.
The one area which I was cutting through which I thought I could, had the sign up warning about being fined… but I never saw any camera and I been going there for years same route, then the site was developed and no cutting through…but no barriers
After the few fines came through I estimated I drove through that site some times, 6 times a day over a few weeks, so for some reason I only got fined 10 times from them
Unlucky @marciniak
Highly irritating when one drives along a route of yesteryear, only to discover (via the post a couple of weeks later) that new restrictions have been put in place!!
You are very much like me, I recall some rail track in Ireland needed replacing, as the train could only travel at 30mph… the cost to replace was expensive, but then the train could travel at 60 to 70 mph… taking off something like 20 minutes… my thought was leave the track save the money and just wake up a tad earlier
Yep. At least on a plane one doesn’t get any “sense” of speed, even though one is going considerably fast!!
Well it was more …totally my fault, but Thats what I told Mrs M, worse thing was she was in the car a couple of times, and said you can’t go through here anymore, I replied, Its okay theres no camera a the barriers aint up, she replied you’ll be sorry when they fine you, nah they won’t
Yes when them fines came in I swear I never seen her so happy
I don’t fly anymore, I don’t like it… especially when the kids come along.
I 've flown plenty of times in all kinds of Planes, I used to do parachuting , free fall from small planes where climb out and hold onto the wing strut with engines cut and then a thumbs up and away you go…
But now I won’t fly… It’s not a fear thing… someone was close when they said you don’t like flying with family because I’m not in control…I think thats true
Jasper Carrot in his first LP, back in the mid 70’s had a track about giving his mother in laws driving lessons. “She has never had an accident, she has seen hundreds, but never had one.”