Can you understand what’s being said
Is it free from expletives
Does it keep to the subject , is it relevant & truthful
If the answer is yes… good it would make a refreshing change
Can you understand what’s being said
Is it free from expletives
Does it keep to the subject , is it relevant & truthful
If the answer is yes… good it would make a refreshing change
Yes and No - she’s a politician
As I said earlier I think she speaks well .Getting a bit tired of the continual harping on about her background though I suspect the whole country must know it off by heart by now. Her rise to power overcoming adversity is good but we have got this ,what’s next ?
Two Jags Prescott, Diane Abbott etc … the Labour Party needs someone out front we can all relate to, laugh at occasionally: diversion tactics.
Good grief! I wonder if that old Cypriot Jew turned in his grave for being such a talking point . From what I remember thinking back to my school days, I would have applied the apostrophe after the S if writing about anything belonging to him i.e. We found St Barnabas’ hat, as that indicates the hat belonged to him.
Angela Rayner is quite the roughest old boot I have seen on TV in years … well apart from The Little Britain character Vicky Pollard.
She has no saving graces whatsoever. She looks rough, she can barely string a sentence together and she has a massive chip on her shoulder which makes anything she says turn into a nasty, sneery attack. She doesn’t have a pleasant bone in her body.
I have nothing against regional accents. My friend is from rural Yorkshire and her accent is very broad but she is a retired university lecturer and people love her for that because what she says is really worth hearing and she is kind and thinks about what she wants to convey. Rayner really is what people call her “a gob on a stick”.
@Flowerpower yes I agree with her look is like a Sneer , couldn’t put my finger on it before but thats what it is a Vicky Pollard Sneer ,
Hope God forgives me for saying something mean , I try to only say nice things about people , perhaps she was born with that sneer . Yea but , not but ,am I bovvered
Trying to post a pic of Vicky!
If Hansard have a “house style” of correcting minor errors in speeches to make them easier to read and understand for the records, then it seems no big deal to me. If the Recorders were changing words which changed the tone, meaning or impact of a speech I had carefully prepared and read out, I would complain - but if they are just editing off-the-cuff speech so that it makes grammatical sense, it wouldn’t bother me.
I think people in conversation, especially when under pressure to think on their feet while delivering an answer they have not yet fully formulated, will sometimes start a sentence and change course a bit half way through, so the complete sentence does not make perfect grammatical sense - to be honest, I often don’t understand what Johnson says because he waffles quite often for a bit of thinking time. I listened to his resignation speech without understanding much of what he said because of his accent and style of delivery - I had to look online and read the words written down before I could work out what he actually said.
Angela Rayner comes across as clear and direct and I can understand her accent and vowels much more easily than some of the vowel sounds of the Eton educated chaps.
I know a few folk who have tried to change their natural Northern accent and they often sound like they are trying to sound posh - unless the change is a gradual thing because you’ve moved away from the area, I think forcing a change in the way you speak makes you seem like you are ashamed of your origins and trying to hide it.
I would think less of her if she tried to change her accent or speech patterns - that would be pandering to an outdated notion that only people who spoke in accordance with a certain “standard” were “clever enough” to run the country - though I think AR is sometimes too direct, bordering on rudeness. It makes me uncomfortable to hear anyone referring to a human being as “scum” and it seems inappropriate for a public servant to be using language like that.
I find AR’s style a bit too abrasive at times - one can often get a point across using persuasion rather than a bulldozer.
If you want to lead a political party and get the electorate on your side, you have to use your communication skills to persuade people to listen to you in addition to clearly setting out your goals and policies.
Attacking people so bluntly and using rhetoric which focuses on class divisions is not the best way to get folk on your side and willing to listen, in my opinion.
“A drop of honey gathers more flies than a gallon of gall”
I’ll admit to having a horse in this race about her hair
It’s another hobby horse if mine, sorry! Feel free to scroll past
Because mine reaches down to my bottom, is often scruffy because long hair is
And I have absolutely no intention of cutting it until the day I die. I get so fed up with the attitude that once you get old you should cut it off and have a safe old lady hair do
Rayner’s hair is glorious, I hope she keeps it until she’s 100. Jacinda Ardern looks great too
I do put it up for work if I feel like it, sometimes not…… Believe me, people take me seriously whatever the state of my hair
And Johnson’s hair was his trademark, so could Rayner’s be. You can always tell when he knows he’s in trouble because he gets it trimmed and apologises wearing his “penitent” cut
Another lady who I love to listen to is the DJ and journalist Liz Kershaw. She has a strong Leeds accent but talks so much sense and is polite and considered. She also comes across as a kind person which Angela Rayner certainly does not.
And when AR took the knee with the scared rabbit, Starmer I had never, ever seen anything so pitiful in my life.
Back to the OP. Personally I rate Rayner just as she is. I would very much like to see her as leader of the party.
Made me laugh about Angela Rayner having lovely hair…well she has but its not her hair…she has a full head of hair extensions…very costly to maintain but I have to admit they look nice…even though I cant stand the woman
I am who I am
Who else would I be
I won’t change for you
So why change for me
I won’t waste my life
Being someone I cannot be
Because I’m not a fake
Unwilling to break
Get used to what you see
I’m going to be me.
Heard/read somewhere,and sums Me up nicely
Great words. There’s no point in changing to please people, you can’t please everyone
And I always think it’s quite insulting to the people who love you as you are
Isn’t their approval enough, then?
I didn’t know they were extensions, I’m so gullible!
But they’re beautifully done and they really suit her, so good choice and well worth the money. A good trademark and if she’s forking out all that no wonder she doesn’t put her hair up, she’s getting her money’s worth
Those crafty extensions fooled me, too, but the result is eye-catching …
And I have absolutely no intention of cutting it until the day I die. I get so fed up with the attitude that once you get old you should cut it off and have a safe old lady hair do
Long hair is ok but hair often gets thinner as you get older so you might not have the choice to have it long until you die .I don’t know anyone with safe little old lady hair dos that is an old fashioned attitude , Maree look about you how many little safe old lady hair dod do you see ? At the moment my own hair is longish past my shoulders BUT i am not proposing to lead the country what may be considered the Boudeca look and fools gullible men looks more like an escapee from St Trinians with that fringe .
Hair can be long but stylish but ultra long extensions look messy are so obviously fake and cause alopecia .
She looks IMO much better and younger with shorter hair
I thought this was about her lack of grammar not her extensions.
Unless someone is a grammar Nazi it’s not IMO that important
It’s her policies and leadership qualities that matter .
To be a leader you need to have the presence of a leader .
Still I suppose extensions could be useful if you want to ride naked though Coventry or such like .
Unless someone is a grammar Nazi it’s not IMO that important
It’s her policies and leadership qualities that matter .
… and her hair:
I was commenting on long hair ie very long hair if you are not doing very much -apart from being the appendage of men of position - it’s one thing ,( Art history and theatre studies give me a break )
if you intend to be leader of a political party , and it’s pretty clear that she does
look a bit more business like , of course it’s unfair a women gets judged on looks but there it is