An unusual experience today at the cafe

I think one has to be a little bit mad to tolerate all the crazies here. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

yes just surviving is sometimes hard to day - sounds like a catchy tune that one? - there is always plenty to do if for just one and a dog - but keeping a place neat and tidy don;t seem essential these days so just makin sure there’s always coffee bubblin away and the dogs been fed [one dog not plural] seems enough - plus moi of course - I do eat well but try to watch the diet!! - I love watching diets - they are a moving feast heh!!

and then there are the fillums - wot a joy not so much the yanky stuff but www fillums - sub-titled are the best cos I can keep the speaker down low or even off heh? - phone calls /medical appointments/ weekly [weakly] shopping - it’s a mad mad mad mad world sometimes - and that’s before I’ve left the block!! Heh??? and then when I am really bored with nothing at all to do there is Spits and his insanities - hilarious - he is always cycling up hils and is always serious - arious and mysterious!!

wot dya fink ?/

“ah yes, I replied it can get like that at times ; four grey walls and some bars surround me” sang old tom jones once!! - yes very few of us can do it all alone all the time for ever - heh?" she starred into her coffee as if letting the words sink in and then said ? "…

“Can I borrow your handkerchief?” She threw back her shoulder length blonde hair and dabbed at the tears slowly forming on her cheeks and began to tell me her story. A story I would come to regret ever becoming a part of…

director: carry on OGF carry on! - I’ll get you an oscar yet!!

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gawd blimey he’s forgotten his bloody lines again OGF - kickstart that pacemaker laddie!!

Life sometimes gets in the way of fiction bret, and I did expect some support…

She went on to tell me of something that occurred that very morning. “Whilst I was cleaning my teeth there was a heavy banging on the front door. Startled I made my way down the stairs and gingerly opened the front door to find a 6 foot tall beetle standing there. He immediately punched me in the eye and told me to F off.”
Apparently there’s a nasty bug going around.

And to make things worse I’ve now got the flu. :weary:

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I shall go and prepare a boiled egg on toast and consider the next chapter…
No! Really…

The fore mentioned Egg…And very nice it was too…

she looked at me with tears welling in her eyes and murmured…??

“Can you finish off blitzing the onions for the base sauce for the Curry tonight”


I pondered for a moment, almost moved to the point of pity but no, I stiffened my resolve. “Look, you’ve only got a couple of crybabies left, I’m sure you’ll be fine, oh, you won’t forget to put the Cobra in the fridge will you?”
Just for a moment she remained motionless as if turned to stone, slowly, so very, very slowly she raised her head, her eyes now glaring, bloodshot, seething with rage. My very life flashed before me “” heck, that’s shallot I thought to myself."

There was a knock at the door, she composed herself and walked slowly to see who was calling this late at night. As the big wooden door creaked open it revealed a hooded figure carrying a cool bag with the words “Just Eat” emblazoned on the side…But it wasn’t a big mac that was plucked from it’s depths, it was a…

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In dogging, the couple deliberately make certain that they can be seen by anybody who comes by (just in order to see it). It involves an audience, quite often. It’s (among other things) a deliberate showing off of the act of sexual intercourse, in the traditional exhibitionist’s way. Those folk like to be watched, and the watchers like to do the watching!

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What the :joy::joy::joy:

Papa Johns for Rayner? F***in scum, she shouted…I ordered Indian tonight! She marched upstairs as the night was getting pasta joke now, and gave the food to everyone. We need to make the most of our substantial meals, and eat in tonight to help out those that are suffering more than what we is…

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I sucked a Greasy Spoon :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I sucked his greasy spoon!! - petrol fumes oh NO he’s gone back to diesel?


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…we all sat around the table deep in pros…searchin for a seaurchin and the next thought…Ogf was skippin in the corner with a pretty colored rope and getting 'orrible tangled in it as usual…spittie sat in the other corner spittin wire coils and nuts and bolts and mutterin insanities as he tried to remember his chinese instructions…and the rest tonight looked all sad and lonely as their hearts beat as one tom tom tom tom…remember mr tom …bloody 'ell for one wee moment he brought the nation together innit …even had the queen weapin in 'er bowl at night…I’m just waiting for that portland barge to fill up again!!..