Americans are clever

Yes it is true believe it or not. They hang their flags eveywhere to remind them which country they are in. :rofl:


What is true is that WE are a patriotic country holding our flag up that the world may know we are a united democracy, despite crises and tragedy.

Shame that other countries ridicule instead of standing strong to their own.


That’s not very polite even if it is meant to be a joke.I’m not a big flag person myself, I don’t think any country is better than any other.You could say the USA is made up of fifty different countries and they would need some unifying symbol.

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Except those that fly the stars and bars .

Having been to the USA several times I would have thought this type of humour was not as offensive to them as much as seems it is to you

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I have been to America several times but fleetingly so I don’t know what their humour generally is like except that its not as sharp as ours . I don’t find American soaps that funny but some old comedians were great like Bob Hope ,Laurel and Hardy and Charlie Chaplin ( although weren’t all these originally English ? )

I can’t see the Americans finding a character like Basil Fawlty funny .
We like a dry rueful humour with some pathos ie Captain Mannering or really sarcastic Blackadder .
Blackadder is one of the funniest comedies out but still hits you with sadness as in the poignant last scene of them going ‘over the top’ .

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Time will tell.Righty has a sense of humour and she doesn’t seem too amused by it.

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Having lived in the US all my life I can say. we don’t find it offensive. I do find it funny that the Union Jack look’s like Boris’s hairdownload
Where as the US flag is OCD friendly


This is it

Well Done Boris


Aye we’re clever. We sent Trump’s little brother over there and no one was the wiser! Sneaky we are. :rofl: :rofl:

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I once binged on a Friends Box Set, laughed my socks off.

Airplane nearly killed me. :neutral_face:

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The pilot though hahaha, so, so funny

Any country that can produce comedy such as Soap must have a fantastic sense of humour.


“They hang their flags eveywhere to remind them which country they are in.”

I read this as a dig at immigrants who have ended up in the usa

Eh? Surely apart from the indigenous ‘Indians’ they are all from immigrant stock.

Do you think we might be a little conceited about our sense of humour thinking it cleverer than that of other countries?

Although nothing can top Morecambe and Wise and Monty Python we haven’t produced quality humour in the last 20 years. The “mockumentary” is such a tired format now.

Well I wouldn’t have posted it 
 Americans are very very touchy about their flag, and their world image.

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You mean those tumbling over, under and around that Mexican Wall?

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And now you’ve got Biden. :rofl:


WCFields,Grouch Marx,George Burns,Jack Benny
there’s more I expect.

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