Am l Being Petty, But Is William And Kate’s Visit To The Caribbean, Inappropriate At This Present Time?

If more people cared about what happened to Kates buttocks the world would be a better place?

In my opinion, I think if less people concerned themselves with what happened to Kates buttocks, the world would be a better place but to each their own.


I know this will annoy some … however I think the entire Royal family is inappropriate in this day and age with so much hardship and misery.
After all it’s just an accident of birth to be born a Royal.
They should all get proper jobs.


There’s no disputin Rasputin.

Am l Being Petty, But Is William And Kate’s Visit To The Caribbean, Inappropriate At This Present Time?

If they feel the need to do it, now is as good a time as any.

BTW what happened to her ass?


The Royal family are advised, often wrongly.

They are advised by Political Appointees, in this case they are a distraction effort which has not worked.

It is part of proving that Global Britain works.

It doesn’t but they have to sing for their supper.

I don’t know about any Botox, I have been out of the loop since retiring.

Kate does however have a gorgeous bum, she goes Commando at times.

There are photos on the Internet, but hidden here in the UK.

An unfortunate incident with the downdraught from a helicopter.

An unfortunate Chopper incident?


That is one way of looking at it, so to speak.

My experience of them, which is limited, is that anyone would be glad to have them as their children.

They have no side to them and are very polite.

My children are very polite and have no side to them doesn’t mean I expect the taxpayer to fund them an all expenses jolly in the Carribean .

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Did anyone ask Kate and William if they wanted to go traipsing round the Caribbean. I doubt it was their personal choice. It’s something they are doing because the queen is now unable to make the trip. It can’t be a huge amount of fun having to smile and wave and appear to be enjoying yourselves when you would rather be somewhere else. If they hadn’t gone on the trip I doubt that much of what’s going on in the world would change for the better.


The Queen is living in a past era .
So presumably are the politicians and palace sycophants who fawn around the RF .
As for going to the Caribbean as work it sure beats doing a real job for a living .

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A bit like kicking a ball around for half a million quid a week.

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I think they have to fawn all over the royals…their own jobs depend on it. Imagine the royal family were disbanded and became ordinary citizens. The whole system would fall from the top down - right through the political spectrum. :woman_shrugging: I would be interested to know how many privately couldn’t care less about the royals…!

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They do kick it around though .
No one handed it to them alongside their birth certificate .

First of all I’d like to apologise for wasting people’s time with what I’d hoped would be recognised as an ridiculous parody of an OTT pro royalist stance.

I don’t really care one way or another on the issue of the Royal family and recognise the pro and con arguments both having a degree of validity.

It seems a bit opportunistic to use Ukraine and general hardship as an excuse to state ones opinion on the RF.

There’s also something unsettling about allowing Putin’s actions rule our everyday lives right across the board, and my post about asking what else should be cancelled was kind of aimed at pointing this out.

Again, I apologise for any posts which wasted your time.

Tezza, You wouldn’t have thousands of pounds spent on expensive dresses, if you didn’t want to go.
You’d go in your old scruffs to indicate you’d rather be somewhere else!

Those clothes will have been bought and paid for before the war. She didnt just nip into the shop at the airport while she was waiting for boarding to be announced.

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Oh, Melgal, of course you’d have all this knowledge in your capacity as an ex ‘public servant’!
Thanks for putting me right! :laughing:


That’s my point Art. They would love to be slouching around in casual wear but I doubt the choice was theirs to make. People who slag off the royals do so knowing they can rarely answer back. I would suggest those who condemn so easily should walk a mile in their shoes.


Thank you Artypops. I suspect that they didn’t use travago to book the hotels either nor use a site to book the flights.

BOOM. :+1: