Just a question which I am noticing more and more I am watching the news talking to someone and they say someone’s age; and I realise that’s almost me near me or younger than me and I think WOW. when did that happen… I am 58 and on occasion have to remind myself of my age no idea what age I think I am but not sure if my head has caught up with age not sure I want it to either.
I’m 20 yrs older that you and my mind still thinks I’m a young spry 25 year old. The trouble is, my body does not match my mind A sharp mind coupled to an aged and slowly failing body is not a perfect match, but hey, it’s good to imaging what I could do with a spry younger body
Couldn’t have put it better, I feel exactly like that…Crap isn’t it.
I must be one of the lucky ones. I’m 67 but don’t feel it in my head. Plus I can still do all the things I used to as a youngster. Not sure about playing football cause I haven’t tried that in a while.
My body seems to be holding up well, no aches or pains, nor am I on any tablets.
I’m probably tempting fate now, and my body will have a complete break down tomorrow
Sad that all of the best, and most enjoyable, abilities seem to wear out first!
Speak for yourself
I dunno wat U mean. My manicure skills are still as good as they’ve always been
Yes, age is frightening and I keep wondering if I’m really this old and doing my best to delay the inevitable wrinkles etc.
I’m 48 so it’s all downhill from here…
Utter bunkum! 48 is a prime of life age. From my experience, nothing starts to slow down until 70 is reached. Even at 78 my functions are all still with me, but some things just take a little longer. Downhill is the defeatists attitude and no way for a youngster such as you to be thinking.
The only thing that surprises me about age, is that people think it matters at all. From what I see/read on here, everyone is very young in the mind…and I honestly do a double take when age is mentioned, because I don’t think of anyone as being a particular age. So, while birthdays are important and should be celebrated, the cake should be left blank with no candles. (Well, maybe just one, so a wish can be made)
Thanks LD!
I suppose it’s all in the attitude!
I’ll adjust mine
Just wait til you are my age then.
Everyone is younger than me.
I shall be 82 (God willing!) in a few months time. I’m still able to do my fund raising runs in aid of Cancer Research a couple of times a year. Ok, maybe not so much runs as jogs lately but I really feel the older one becomes the more one needs to exercise. That can mean anything from walking daily or jogging, running, riding your bike, gardening, in fact anything that gets your heart rate up.
Attitude is everything.
Mrs LD used to buy creams and potions until one day she said to me “my wrinkles don’t bother you in the slightest, do they M” I didn’t answer straight away with some smart remark, but when I did I told her “there’s an old saying that beauty is only skin deep, but I did not choose to spend my life with you for your skin, I chose you because to me you are the complete and beautiful woman you have always been and to me always will be”. From that day some years ago, the cream regime has declined to just some simple moistures for sun/wind treatment. Everyone ages and some at different rates. My skin has aged too, its a fact of life and something I accept as part of me. My remaining years are to important to me for worrying about something I cannot change, so I get on with life and happy when I wake up each morning
That’s so sweet LD! Mrs LD is a lucky lady!
Age is just a number, and I never was very good at maths at school! Using the old adage ‘three score years and ten’ add another five to that and that’s me.
Quite apart from that having had a heart attack tends to make you look at things differently. The worst that can happen as the result of a heart attack is, I can only guess, far worse! At least every day I wake up in the morning, I think to myself that is another one I’ve gained!
I am touch wood at present in good health and still ride horses but I am not content and fear the passing of the years .
Because of what I have not done and may soon be left undone forever .
So, you’re not giving your age away then. This is what this thread is about…