Absolutely bored

Maree, That image in my mind is giving me the screaming abdabs!! :laughing:

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Not when your face is up against someone’s backside

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Indeed, it’s very hard to be bored then…… terrified maybe :scream::rofl:

Sorry, but I bet you’re not bored :rofl::+1::crazy_face:

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We should start a members only thread showing examples of the best poses Maree…

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I’m a tad worried by what you mean by “members only” :clown_face::flushed:

Where are the nudist couple when you need them?


I don’t think we better, remember what happened when we did that on YouTube last time? :rofl:

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I never needed ‘em!

I can vouch for the fact that “unblocking the drains” chases away boredom - it took me a whole day this week to do that - I felt a bit nauseous and quite “unwilling to tackle the problem” a few times during the day, but I persevered and eventually sorted it out. and not once did I feel “bored”! :rofl::nauseated_face::rofl:

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That went Tits up, a real Cock up.

You promised not to mention that Maree…
And I’ve managed to walk again without the crutches…

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Hot tubs great for relaxing, chill out.

Hello realspeed, I was just wondering what your boredom levels are at now?

Recovered, or back to rock bottom?

What if RS was bending his Gender =, would he be bored then?

Art so kind of you to worry so much about how I feel a real caring lady

Spitty I have to sometimes wonder what direction your mind takes.

Oooh, realspeed… should there have been a comma in that sentence? :laughing:
Or, is this your new boredom solution?
I hope you make sure that there’s no policemen about when participating in your new pastime!!


Speak on, but be not over-tedious.

Same here, I just hope that at some point he comes up with an answer. :innocent: