yes at the moment I am bored, can’t think of anything to do. During the day wet and miserable outside and indoors the TV programs seen most before film wise. Had a play with the camcorder in different settings soon got fed up doing that as well. Even playing Candy crush I am stuck at a high level and can’t get passed it without buying extra bonuses which I refused to do. Now got a longer wait for my driving licence application as I had to send the forms back because they never sent the form for photo update even though it had the photo I took attached on it . Different DVLC dept this time the medical dept as it seems lack of communication between them. The new form had exactly the same questions as the first lot of forms and same answers, Mr Jobs Worth at it again. Hopefully this time the application may progress to a possible DVLA eye test with SpecSavers??
Atleast writing this has taken up a bit of time
get your camera set up for watching the wild life at night …
I’d planned to go for a long walk one day but it was chucking it down with rain. It was so boring not to be able to go out and have to find something to do indoors. I lasted about one hour before I put on my raincoat and went out anyway. I’m so glad I did, I had a great walk and it was so refreshing. The rain won’t keep me in in future.
I have a certain amount of sympathy for for this because I have hardly been out for the last few days because of the rain but I have been planning a trip for a few days time when I hope the weather will improve.
Today is rain free so it is a matter of catching up with the laundry.
Surely there is a some corner of your garden that you haven’t regaled us with a video of, RS? How about the macro facility?
It never does. I like jogging in the rain as long as it’s not pouring down. My dog Sari isn’t particularly fond of being walked in the rain, though.
Close up lens should be here shortly so will try with camcorder to see what happens
Why don’t you just go in? I had to renew my licence recently and you have to attend in person, how else can they take your photo?
The DVLA are in Swansea and I am in East Sussex several hundred miles away. So just going in ?? I did my own photo and sent that which has been accepted as the have attached it to a form
When I’m bored I bury myself in a good book or put a box set on & eat chocolate.
Well, the drive would cure your boredom.
Ours likes it.Which suits me as we’ve usually got the streets to ourselves.
When you are Bored, a good solution can be to get Plastered.
I renewed my driving licence the other day, not boring enough, took a few minutes online, they never asked for a new photo, it arrived by post three days later.
It was good of someone to send you a new photo of yourself, I wonder if they were bored?
If you’ve got a current passport I think they use the photo on that for your driving licence if you apply online?
Yes they did ask for my passport No.

It was good of someone to send you a new photo of yourself, I wonder if they were bored?

yes at the moment I am bored, can’t think of anything to do. During the day wet and miserable outside and indoors the TV programs seen most before film wise. Had a play with the camcorder in different settings soon got fed up doing that as well. Even playing Candy crush I am stuck at a high level and can’t get passed it without buying extra bonuses which I refused to do. Now got a longer wait for my driving licence application as I had to send the forms back because they never sent the form for photo update even though it had the photo I took attached on it . Different DVLC dept this time the medical dept as it seems lack of communication between them. The new form had exactly the same questions as the first lot of forms and same answers, Mr Jobs Worth at it again. Hopefully this time the application may progress to a possible DVLA eye test with SpecSavers??
Atleast writing this has taken up a bit of time
So funny, you sound like a teenager! “I’m boooooored”
If your spending your days fiddling with gadgets, watching TV and playing Candy Crush, of course you’re bored
What you need to do, is some work! Clean the house, unblock the drains, do manly things like putting up shelves, defrost the freezer, tidy the loft, clean the shower……. you get the picture?
If we ever said “I’m bored” in front of my granny, she always said “I’ll soon find you something to do” …… and it was usually hard work……
Good luck with your driving licence though, and seriously, you need a project to work on
Do you belong to any groups like the U3A and could organise an event, or maybe a family “do”? Or a bit of volunteering?

got fed up doing that as well. Even playing Candy crush I am stuck at a high level and can’t get passed it without buying extra bonuses which I refused to do.
I’m stuck in the 20th C. when it comes to games.
I like Shipfind and Minesweeper.
You might need to zoom in/out.
If I’m fed up of staying indoors I nip to the library, town centre, or a supermarket for a long browse. But as long as I have my books, telly, iPad and dog I don’t really get bored.