A Smart Car Saga

most of the pages are a variety of all sorts, if analysing it, is that deemed the norm to do that on forums?..
I actually do not get any of this back firing stuff…I will go and dip my head in a bucket now…:smiley:
tis the heat here…tis summer afterall

I’ve only got 7 pages. But 7 veeeerrryyy loooooong
‘what-in-the-hell-am-I-reading’ pages :confused2: :100: :015:

Your settings must be different to mine…I have 27 pages now, and I didn’t read the rest after my last post up there somewhere. Far too befuddled :smiley:

I changed my settings in Control Panel to show 40 posts per page :slight_smile:

Yep, ‘befuddled’ just about sums it up :lol:

I’ve got 27 pages and 264 posts too - almost none of which makes any sense! :slight_smile:

I am so glad I am not the only one!:smiley:

Likewise. :wink:


This has got to be the weirdest thread I’ve come across on OFF. A kind of on/off/on/off serial non-story, sprinkled with random unconnected posts :017:.

I’ve read every single post and I still don’t know what it’s about :lol::lol::lol:

Why do people get so hung up about things making sense?

Because most of us don’t want to read something like The Third Policeman!

Is “The Third Policeman” something I need to know about, Pixie? It sounds interesting.

Cos it’s a waste of time reading it otherwise.
I like interesting, or funny, threads I can contribute to, but to do that, I need to understand what the thread’s about first.

Its a book, and its a bit eccentric. I got confused about halfway through and gave up.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27208.The_Third_Policeman

And you consider reading most of the other threads here a worthwhile use of your valuable time, do you Mups? :slight_smile:

Yes I do, except all the argumentative ones like religion and politics. :slight_smile:

Fair enough, Mups. And when there isn’t anything interesting to read, there’s always Foxy’s legs to go and look at. :wink: :slight_smile:

Yes, no doubt most of us ladies have had done that.

Which reminds me, 'bout time you flashed your pins before autumn too. :lol:

You know when someone tells you a very long, rambling shaggy dog story, and you’re waiting for the punchline? And when it comes, you seem to miss it, and you keep going back over the story trying to ‘get’ it?

Yeah, that was this thread :confused2:

I’m not as brazen as Foxy, but maybe I’ll give you a glimpse of ankle if the mood strikes me. :wink: