better put the kettle on…time like this…run to the hills…:-D.
last time I looked you were taking Cats…
Please don’t waste your apologies on matters that don’t deserve them, Dianne, save them for things that matter.
That’s me Dex a class act…
Harbal that’ ok as they were not real sorry’s…
grovelling, that is a male trait…:surprised:
Are you serious? :shock:
Like your jokes…I had reason to learn some gaelic this morning and the lesson were all of 1 minute long and good actually…I can Hello…Dia duit…
I can goodbye …slan go foill…then came lesson 3…I fell off my seat…it was… cupla focal…the way it said it several times was hilarious…well I thought so…cant wait for lesson 4…His name is Owen and I think I am in Love again…
Just said that on a fast repeat loop. Can see what you mean
I don’t think you should be dignifying such a worthless objection by devoting anywhere near that much thought to responding to it, Dex.
best to go and see it…must be easy to find…
Ok…so 25 pages of “what- in -the- hell- am- I -reading”, just happened.
Any chance of a link. More likely to be in your browsing history than mine
Fair enough Harbal. Point made and taken. Not going to remove it though as I spent good time and money writing it, and you’ve quoted it so there it will remain
How the hell do you think we feel? We wrote it
From 1.26 (ish) on.
Absolutely hilarious
have not seem Lesson 4 yet…will wait until I need a good laugh again…glad I found it…My Irish friend is a writer of amazing History recall, without boredom. Like many authors he has never been able to get one published…
His Irish History crosses with what I know about my Husbands French Ancestors… so we do have a heated discussion but always in light hearted way as only friends really can…
Some kind of mind palace thing?