A Smart Car Saga

better put the kettle on…time like this…run to the hills…:-D.

:077:last time I looked you were taking Cats…

Please don’t waste your apologies on matters that don’t deserve them, Dianne, save them for things that matter. :slight_smile:

That’s me Dex a class act…:lol:

Harbal that’ ok as they were not real sorry’s…:smiley:
grovelling, that is a male trait…:surprised:


Are you serious? :shock:

Like your jokes…I had reason to learn some gaelic this morning and the lesson were all of 1 minute long and good actually…I can Hello…Dia duit…
I can goodbye …slan go foill…then came lesson 3…I fell off my seat…it was… cupla focal…the way it said it several times was hilarious…well I thought so…cant wait for lesson 4…His name is Owen and I think I am in Love again…:lol:

Just said that on a fast repeat loop. Can see what you mean :lol::lol:

I don’t think you should be dignifying such a worthless objection by devoting anywhere near that much thought to responding to it, Dex.

best to go and see it…must be easy to find…

Ok…so 25 pages of “what- in -the- hell- am- I -reading”, just happened.

Any chance of a link. More likely to be in your browsing history than mine :wink:

Fair enough Harbal. Point made and taken. Not going to remove it though as I spent good time and money writing it, and you’ve quoted it so there it will remain :lol::lol:

How the hell do you think we feel? We wrote it :blush::lol::lol:

From 1.26 (ish) on.

Absolutely hilarious :lol::lol::lol::lol:

have not seem Lesson 4 yet…will wait until I need a good laugh again…glad I found it…My Irish friend is a writer of amazing History recall, without boredom. Like many authors he has never been able to get one published…

His Irish History crosses with what I know about my Husbands French Ancestors… so we do have a heated discussion but always in light hearted way as only friends really can…


Some kind of mind palace thing?