A Christmas Cheese thread

wow what a thrill…spontaneous…not sure about combustion though so checked it out first…
What are five examples of combustion in your everyday life?

  • Burning of Wood or Coal for the household purposes.
  • Burning of Petrol or Diesel for using vehicles like car.
  • Combustion of Natural Gas or LPG to cook.
  • For the production of energy in thermal power plants.
  • Fireworks or burning of Wax candle.
    guilty of all those… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
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You probably thought the same as me then… :wink:


Delving into the realms of " too much information", surely!

Oh my goodness … I’d never put that on a cracker. In a long French loaf maybe … but … oh no …


Well you mentioned it first Dex … I was just trying to be socially adept.

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Puts a new twist on crusty loaf…


Ugh … I don’t know what to say …mwah!!!

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What? what???

Where’s a TL3 when we need one? Deffo needing a timeout slow mode!!!

Said the bishop to the tart worried about premature … no, I can’t say it.
I’m going to sit on my hands.


Why? We are talking about cheese?

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I used to like Cracker Barrel.

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I’m Free…TL3 at your service…tell me what your wishes are… :japanese_goblin:


Nobody’s shown any interest in my halloumi question.

How about sharing your thoughts on those cheeses which have bits of fruit embedded in them during manufacture?

You have cream cheese and oxo soup…who told you about halloumi?? Which is horrid, by the way. Also, fruity cheese? Nope, not for me thanks. Oh wait, what utter nonsense I am talking…Wensleydale with cranberries is in my fridge right now…doh!

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That is because it is not that healthy…
Potential downsides. Halloumi is relatively high in sodium, containing a whopping 350 mg in each serving ( 1 ). Decreasing salt intake is often recommended to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels in those with high blood pressure ( 14 ). Also, some people may be more sensitive to the effects of salt.Nov 14, 2019


Lidl’s do some real nice fruity cheeses…Wensleydale with cranberries being just one of them…


Do you have Morrisons over there, Dianne? Just asking cos thats where I got it…but I’ll try Lidl’s

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Aw, I’m always interested in your halloumi, Dextrous. I like it but I don’t really think of it as a Christmas cheese cos it’s best grilled. It does cook real nice in the air fryer

Being common I like a bit of low-brow novelty
cheese I’m going to order this, with rum and pineapple!


It may well be unhealthy, as Di pointed out. But it’s lovely in the right place. In that recipe with asparagus and potato, it was delicious!

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