47th President Trump

They are given a choice, leave the child in the US of they can take the child with them. But the illegals will be deported. Giving the the parents the choice of family separation or not. The child is an American.

So are you saying that it doesn’t matter if you are illegal as long as you do the crud jobs?
Perhaps if there weren’t illegals then somebody local would have to do the jobs or go without stuff
Personally, I think they would soon find somebody to fill the labour gap.
I think there will be more than one person deciding who is illegal or not Lincs. Imagine 416 people deported in every town or city all at the same time, somehow your maths doesn’t add up

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it doesn’t matter who is doing the jobs as long as they get done - but if they remove whoever is currently filling those gaps in the economy the entire population will be stressed. The immigrant population is going to be far more motivated to do any job to make a living. People who are not in the group won’t automatically jump in to fill those posts. How can you assume they will?

There will be a knock on effect throughout all socio economic groups. The same has happened here post-Brexit. But the US has a far larger economy so far wider economic repercussions. Trump likely unwittingly employs a lot of this group too.

There is a huge benefit from hidden migrant labour to any economy, however unpalatable that might be.




From the Department of Homeland Services website:


Lots to unpick - easy one first. I took the 416 number at face value. There was nothing to say it was a single location and numbers from other locations needed to be added. Fair enough. When we get a nationwide number we can work out how many years it will take to arrest everyone.
I did not state that it was ok that non-residence approved people work, or work in poor jobs. I did not state that doing poor jobs provides some sort of confirmation of residency. Why do you think I implied anything like you claim? Please, don’t put words in my mouth.
All I noted was that workers without residency tend to do the irregular, unregulated jobs - and these tend to be (1) crap jobs doing crap things, (2) poorly paid, (3) highly convenient for the rest of the country as it reduces labour costs and this in turn reduces what people for things overall.
Personally, or rather, evidence shows, that if you take away the unregulated and poorly paid from all these millions of menial jobs then 3 things happen. First, there are worker shortages - this means gaps in service / production. Second, it means fewer people are coming forward to fulfill these jobs - so employers are obliged to up pay to attract the fewer workers. Third, the nature of irregular / non-residency workers means a fair amount of this work is under the radar - without social security tax and income tax. Cash in hand work. Switching to regulated workers means higher costs - on top of the higher wages. (Longer term investment in productivity can alleviate some of these higher costs - but only longer term.)
So there is certainly going to be a hike in pay and a more significant hike in costs. Which will be pushed onto the end consumer. Which we call inflation. Any sudden change in the labour market is going to cause a shift like this.

That sure is a wordy way to justify modern-day slavery.


Interesting observation (not the wordy bit but the slavery bit). Yes, you can look at that way. I suspect the comparison is valid - especially in terms of people liking the lower costs such labour allows but looking away from the implications and consequences. So I’m sure (in all countries) there are people who love the low cost, cash in hand cleaner but complain about people coming to their country without permits to stay & work. There is something about cake & eat it here.
Note - my previous post offered an explanation, it did not give an endorsement. So I justified nothing. Once again people seem keen to put words in my mouth (rather than accurately read my post for what is said and what is not said).


Boris Johnson, Must be Shivering in his timbers.
Riding Tandem !

At a minimum, legal 1mmigrants are guaranteed minimum wage and overtime, rest breaks, workers compensation (insurance for injury on the job), access to the state healthcare program, and time off for family emergencies. Illegal 1mmigration is a horribly exploitative industry.


We are not talking about legal migrants, we are talking about illegals. There is a very big difference. If they do it legally, they can get a job.

I was talking about illegals

Trump must be a supporter of yarts

Yes it is. Your earlier comparison to slavery is valid. But that is valid then who are the slave masters? And why are they not being threatened with punishment? And who are the enablers - those who benefit from low cost services, those who fail to set out and apply the regulation that should stop such exploitation?

Just walk around any city or big town and see the number of homeless people, the unemployment establishments are full of unemployed people waiting for work. They should be assigned to some of those crap jobs you mention, after all, they are receiving a wage to do nothing while illegals are being housed, fed and even given money

These down and outs should be paid a decent wage, what does it matter if the middle and upper classes have to pay more for goods, these people are taking the urine by buying cheap stuff from China and the middle east. Trump has done the right thing by placing tariffs on imported things and sending the illegals back from whence they came. You either employ local people making and growing local stuff, pay more to give an unemployed person a job, or do without.

Illegals are not allowed to work. If they do, they don’t pay taxes. Some states give them license to drive and some let them vote in local election. They get tax payers money when tax payers need thing done for them. Illegals are nothing but leaches off the social benefits.

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You would never get a haircut or someone to clean your car Robin if there were no illegals here

The slave masters one could say sanctuary cities. Where they facilitate The businesses that are hiring them, prostitution, child exploitation. And one could say the last administration was just part of the slave trade.

But if it was done legally, through port of entry, they could report illegal activities and not worry about repercussions of being an illegal.

Using a port of entry, the criminals have a better chance of being weeded out.

One thing, in our legal system we have a thing called, you have to have clean hands and your an illegal, you don’t have clean hands. Yes, you can report how your being abused but you are going to be punished yourself.

This may be so, but we can get it done here by citizens. But, the odds are, some, if not most of the ones that work at car washes fall into a few categories. Former criminals that can’t get a job do to their criminal record. They need to earn extra money, or want to stay below a minimal earnings so they don’t have to report their income, or stay below the radar. They are not all bad people but there are enough to keep the car washed going.

Barbers are normal privately owned business.

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I don’t know why you think people constantly are entering countries like the US without proper permits and visas. It is not to collect paltry hand outs. It is to find any work, work that even on the black will be more than they’d get back home. They want to earn money and to work so that they can wire money back to their families. They also want access to the opportunities that they see in the country they target. And of course such work is off the books.
The whole pitch that its all about handouts, its all about leaching or prostitution is maliciously placing all the blame on those entering the country without permits. This is a false narrative. There is always the push away from the grinding poverty and no opportunities in their home country, there is always the pull of paid work and opportunities in the target country. Because deportations do not address either the push away from their current life or pull towards a better life in the US or the UK this means its largely ineffective. If you are massively cutting aid in the home country then you need, at least, to cut the opportunities in the new country. This mean tighter regulation on employing people without permits and more effective policing of those regulations - and serious penalties for those employing people illegally. Only doing deportations, and only punishing the immgrants won’t change the underlying issue.