Your very first car thread

I often wonder what happened to our black four door Morris Minor, VXE128.
First car after we wed 51 years ago…

Just found a piccie of an identical Austin 7 which was my first.

My first car was a 1955 split windscreen Moggie.

Bought it for £100. It was navy with flaky paint and I hated it at first. My bestest husband, got it resprayed in light blue for me.

I had it for about 5 yrs till the dust cart ran into it and wrecked it in the snow and ice with me in it. :confused:

Where’s the blue light?:-p

shurrup :smiley:

May I ask…“Did you wear black stockings under that uniform”?

Yes of course :cool:

My first car was a 1947 Hillman Minx.

Side valve engine, with a “thermo syphon” cooling system ie no water pump, leaf springs front and back, cable brakes, suicide doors, semaphore indicators, bucket seats(!), tons of room in the back seat area and massive but narrow wheels. It had those absurd vacuum driven wipers than slowed to a crawl when you went up hill and which you could operate separately, the front windscreen opened forward and it had a sunroof that leaked. Awful car but at 17 I thought it the bees knees.

I bought for £10 from a bloke at work - that was two weeks wages! I had a lot of fun with it before I broke a half shaft and scrapped it prior to emigrating to Australia (what is it with British cars and broken axles?)

I am pretty sure I still have the manual for it somewhere and some pictures but I found this on the web


Bruce, may I ask how old you are?

at a guess I’d say around 88?

If so, may I congratulate you even more on your recent epic journey…it’s great to see people putting two fingers up to ageing and carrying on enjoying life to the max.:cool:

are you going to congratulate me too?

This is a pic of me and my Dad in 1806 :mrgreen:

88? Crikey I hope not. That car was almost the same age as me.

In my defense…it was 0400hrs:lol:

Mine was a beautiful black XR2 (fiesta)

It also had B*** WNA as a number plate which used to make me chuckle inside because it was hot and spicy all right!


Mine was a Capri 2.0 GT V4…

I bought this car for £15 from a colleague of father’s, and he towed it from Guildford to Farnborough The tyres were Ok. The body was alu, with a steel bonnet mudguards and radiator. The roof was alu, covered with black fabric. The windscreen was split and the top half opened for summer motoring. Single vacuum driven wiper.

The engine was sidevalve four cylinder, with a hand starter and 6 volt dynamo. The battery was under the passenger seat, and the headlights at either end of the windscreen, with a single red light to the rear. Inside, there were two green leatherette covered bucket seats and a tiny rear bench seat. No luggage space.

To get the thing going, I removed the cylinder head and gasket, fitted four concave steel plugs and fitted new sparking plugs. Re-assembled and dismantled the carburetter and cleaned the gum out. Put the dynamo into mother’s oven after Sunday lunch (much to her horror) to dry it out and put everything back.

Brakes - dual braking system, the foot pedal operated the front drums and the handbrake the rear. Washed the drums cleaned and re-assembled. Greased steering and suspension pivots and blew up tyres to correct pressures.

Engine oil then petrol in tank, and surprise, the ignition fired first time, so off I went for a trial run. Top speed 45mph downhill!!

Sold it to a girlfriend for £25…

I’ve found another ‘before’ and an ‘after the dustcart event’

Hello Rachel, I now own this car and would be interested in any memories or old pictures you may have of it :-D. I did email your website address, not sure if you ever saw it?

regards, John

A dark green Austin A30. It came with a gold-seal factory reconditioned engine but I always asked for far more speed out of it than it was capable of giving. It wore out in about a year.

I had a Robin Reliant, like Del from Fools & Horses. That would have been about 1969. I’d had a bike Yamaha 50, and when i past my test i wanted a Daytona. I had visions of being a Hells Angel. But my Mum wouldn’t sign the HP, i was only 16. She said i’d kill myself. Someone she worked with had a Reliant and you could drive them with a motorbike licence. Turned out to be a good thing 'cos by the time i was 17 and old enough to drive, i’d had a years practise on the road. Then after i’d passed my car test, i traded the Reliant in, and bought a Moggy 1000. Use to spend most weekends in the scrapyard getting bits off other cars, to keep mine on the road. Learning as i went on.

In 1969 your Reliant would have been a Reliant Regal not a Robin. The Reliant Robin was launched in 1973. Del and Rodney also had a Regal (Van) not a Robin as is often incorrectly stated. ;-):smiley: