I have many favourite rock clips. This one near the top of the list. We have talked a lot about God. Well here’s two iconic Australian rock gods. One still with us…Jimmy Barnes. And one sadly not…Michael Hutchence. “Good Times” Post your favourite rock clip. THis thread is a “Wind Beneath My Wings” free zone. No wet, soppy stuff please. JUst good hard ballsy rock.
Please if this is not your thing. Fine. Just don’t post innit! Looking forward to lots of Stones! :):)
My posts are unapologetically Australian. Not to say I don’t love British and American rock too. So let’s have em!
Hey Thanks Dogs. I have never worked out how to post you tube clips with the framed still. I keep trying but it just won’t have me Here’s a couple more if you will be so kind
[ y t ] YiUX0cKEEXc [ / y t] but without all the spaces.
THanks mate. Yes I’ve seen that before but I don’t know what to do with it? I don’t know the steps.
This one has it all. Great band, talented front man, solid guitar work, and interesting lyrics about transcendence. Even the interpreter rocks! A favorite.
It won’t permit sharing, so click on “Watch on Youtube”.
Keep 'em coming guys!..Ow bart some Stones then eh?..
Not from me. :shock: