Your favourite classical music tracks


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Maybe…nope, still didn’t…:frowning:

It looks as if you haven’t deleted the part of the text before the / and inserted the yt and /yt in square brackets around what’s left. Look at the last part of my post again, where it starts “Click on the word ‘copy’…”

Thank you kindly. I’ll try again.

Pachelbel Canon in D Major

Here you go…

Floating on a cloud with Beethoven :smiley:

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This is one of my favourites, and I especially like this recording of it, sung by Alan Opie and Bonaventura Bottone

Thanks to @Psmith for introducing me to Eric Satie

My favourite part of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons - L’inverno (WInter)

I love Vivaldi as well @Judd

For Vivaldi lovers,this is a modern version by Max Richter.It’s very good,I think.

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