Young men having Vasectomies

Quoted on it’s own and not in the context it was posted is something that the media would do Pixie…I did point out that I care for my local area and the places I visit, but beyond that I am powerless except for throwing money at it via some money wasting charity, which I refuse to do.

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That’s a fair point, Foxy. However I would say that everything we do for good or for bad in our vicinity, does ripple outwards to the rest of the world. So its great if you are doing your local bit, but bad say…if you are pouring bleach down the loo to clean it. :woman_shrugging:

I think we all do bad things that ripple out across the world Pixie, but until someone comes up with viable alternatives the common people are stuck with what we have. Previous alternatives have fallen short, I could go on but feel I may be going too much off topic…

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Well Foxy, I’m sure COP27 next year in Egypt will sort it all out… :roll_eyes: :joy:

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Indeed, you would expect a dickhead to be an expert in these matters.


More money spent and promises made on wild theories that just create more poverty and unemployment.

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Hubby couldn’t get one on the NHS because we only had one child, so he paid to go private, it was in the 80s and it was a £100.

Mine, during '73 was after 3 surviving girls and one very deformed son who did not survive his 1st day. It was given to me via the NHS not for the number of children but at the time my abnormal chromosome discovered by testing. Later research proved an extra Y chromosome had nothing to do with son’s deformity.

Tory party animal.

That’s a shame, do you regret having it done?
Hubby and myself haven’t, I think that there’s more to life than having children, but that’s just us, but I don’t regret having any at all.

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Oh no, definitely no. We had our three birth daughters and very soon after our last girl we fostered another and then adopted her (a distant relation of mine). She came to us as a suckler and as our last was about to be weaned off the breast, she latched on and took over until she too was weaned. Our four girls were enough for any couple and if it were not for my Nan who came to live with us, I doubt if we would have adopted M.

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A prostitute looked at her naked client and asked “is it fresh?”
he said "what do you mean “Is it fresh”
She replied “all the others have come in little plastic bags pre wrapped”

That’s great for you and your family :+1:

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I got mine on the NHS Logan, and we only had one daughter…I suppose they took one look at me and thought “We don’t want anymore of those running around!”…


:044:How old were you? We were 28 at the time.

I went private. My GP arranged the appointment for me at another GP practice. It cost £50 in 1976. I was 27.

Yes I reckon I was about that age too Logan. We have never regretted it.

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This doesn’t mean you can now hang a flag on it

You can’t hang a flag on it, you’ve used them all up on my posts. :grinning:

Furled or unfurled realspeed? I’ve usually got sufficient wind…